On 1st February 2013 we launched an innovative new campaign; 48 Reasons to Build a Dale Alcock Home.

Although we could probably think of hundreds of reasons to build a Dale Alcock home, we reigned in on the most important ones and so arrived at the number 48.

Part of the thinking behind this campaign was to decipher what we thought were the key points our consumer looks for in a builder – Peace of Mind, Design, Quality and Customer Service.

So we took these four pillars and gave them reinforcement with a robust collection of things we do and offer as part of the home building experience.

And then we made an exceptionally pretty brochure along with an interactive website portal – a digital home for all 48 reasons, with videos, photos, blogs and more!

This campaign speaks volumes about what it means to build a Dale Alcock home, for our clients and for our staff members – it is our ethos today and for years to come – and we’re as proud as peacocks!

Take a looksee: www.welovebuilding.com.au