Our experience at New Home Building Brokers has showed us these are the ten most important things; people should do when wanting to knock down a house with the view to rebuild.
All of this tips, we recommend that you do this totally independent from a builder. You will be surprised how much time and money you can save.
These tips are in no particular order.

1. Survey the block before and after, it important you actually know what is the true and correct boundary of the block you have. The builder normally does the second one later and this confirms the final levels of the sand after the demolition is complete. Not knowing this can give you an expensive surprise. This would be from things like additional site works to create the levels for the building approvals.
2. Get 3 quotes and make sure you are not dealing with the same company when doing this. And confirm if you have any asbestos. You would be surprised who owns who in the Demolition market. Please make sure you have the full break down of all charges inclusive of GST. Don’t get sucked into the first number that may seem cheap!
3. Always be very clear with what you are gong to keep yourself if anything. As a rule just leave it to the demolition company its not worth the hassle. Remember the old floorboards are normally from small home and no enough for the future build. Be clear in writing.
4. Don’t let the tenants know too much and avoid a leaving party. Also make sure they take al of the items they moved I with. As the more that has to be taken away the more you are going to pay. We also see tip fees increasing and the cost of this to increase again.
5. Inform the neighbors as remember you are going to live at this block. Its good to work in with the nbeigbours should you have any boundary issues. At New Home Building Brokers we have come across this a lot, and it’s critical to keep this in check, Just listen to what ken had to say about it in our North Beach build.
6. Watch out for the old fences to fall over now the bock is completely vacant. The pen area and wind can push these old fences over very easy. So work in with the Building Broker and the builder to have the new ones up or temp fencing ASAP.
7. The verge is not something the demolition companies will touch, in fact whatever cross over driveway you have we stay. So you need to allow extra cost from the builder to remove and repair any damage to driveway, kerbs and footpaths.
8. Demolition companies do not touch anything on the boundary. So if you have any separation of homes walls and starts, you need to get a quote from a builder to do this and make good to keep all parties happy. This as a rule normally cost $4K to 10K depending on the work in involved. NHBB has some great builders who get this done and for a very good prices.
9. When the home is taken down and the block is clear, make sure the Australian demotion company changes the bucket and sifts the sand
10. 700mm deep. We want to make sure nothing is in the soil or anything is buried. This can cost you a lot if the builder informs you at site. See photo attached. That said don’t get fooled by demolition companies trying to back charge when its clear in this vide these tree roots seems perfectly placed. At NHBB we don’t let builders or demolition companies get away with this.