We women are biologically clued into the moon phases through our menstrual cycle, our disposition to nurture and by holding the space we call home. Immersed in cycles (hormonal, emotional, financial, ……. ) and at the same time in work, societies and one’s own demands, we sometimes find ourselves struggling against the flow and maybe even panicking!

The moon has a gravitational pull on water and therefore affects every thing /cell which contains water. Fishermen go out with the tide instead of struggling against it and gardeners and herbalists plant and harvest by the moon for better yields. Once we become more aware of this relationship between the moon and us, we can begin to consciously experiment with the moons’ cycles and experience firsthand what it means to go with the flow.

So why would something like book keeping be affected by the moon?

The moon phases (new, waxing, full and waning) and position (12 zodiac signs) set a particular mood or atmosphere which flavors the day and your experience of it.

We all know how tedious and boring book keeping can be, true? But, we also had times, when everything summed up nicely and we felt good and wholesome about our work when we finished. May I dare say that there is a good chance the moon was in Virgo at the time when it went easy. Maybe even in the waning phase.

When the moon moves through Virgo, we think and behave more analytical and practical, have an eye for detail, a good feeling for numbers and we don’t mind structure. We naturally focus on details and this lends itself to book keeping and other things that need attention to detail, like financial planning and communicating. This is how Virgo energy can be used to its advantage.

If you would do book keeping at a waxing Aries Moon, you would be frustrated and edgy, most certainly not finishing the job, basically wasting time you surely could use better.

There is a lot to be gained to know about moon void of course. These void of course times are used best to consolidate, clean up or reenergize, because anything started in that time has nowhere to go. Most likely you will need to resuscitate the project.

Tuning into natural cycles helps you to use your creativity more consciously. There is a time for everything and working on projects or doing routine chores on days that lend themselves to that activity just makes life so much easier.

New Moon
Every New Moon marks the beginning of a lunar cycle. Pondering business challenges, strategies and visions at the beginning of the lunar cycle leads to ideas and plans that have the best start and all chances of success. Therefore we can use each New Moon as an opportunity to think about and plan for our business.
Waxing Moon (First and second quarter).

For the next 14 days your awareness and project will gather momentum, expand and culminate at the next Full Moon. In those 2 weeks everything you do to build up and strengthen will help to put a positive spin on its development. Gathering information, quotes, putting together campaigns, buying, selling materials…..
A positive attitude towards overcoming obstacles causes expansive and constructive growth. A negative attitude to challenges results in negative growth.

Full Moon

This is a short but very intense time with by then high internal pressure; you can feel fullness and ripeness and this can sometimes be a crisis point. As the impulse changes from waxing to waning, moisture, energy and emotions are released, the pressure decreases.

Waning Moon (Third and fourth quarter)

The time after the Full Moon (when the moon is waning for two weeks) is the best time to put everything together, consolidate and finish the projects, or stages of projects.
Use the 4th quarter to prepare for the upcoming new moon, where you can set new intentions for the next cycle.

Position of the Moon

To further fine tune your planning around the moon, consider the zodiac sign the moon is moving through. This helps you to turn your attention towards issues relating to that sign and allows you ponder their relevance to your own business needs.

This little monthly ritual helps you to become more aware of how you use your creative energies. You will achieve better results and experience less stress when you fine tune your daily routines and activities to the moon.

  • ADVERTISING is best done in the waxing moon phase with the moon inGemini, Capricorn or Taurus.
  • BOOKING is best done in the waxin Moon Phase with the moon inVirgo, Aquarius or Gemini.
  • BOOKKEEPING is best done in the waning moon phase with the moon in Virgo or Aquarius.
  • FOR CONFERENCES avoid the full moon. The best moon signs are Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini and Leo.
  • FOR ENTERTAINING any moon phase is good. The best moon signs are Leo, Gemini, Libra and Cancer.
  • FINANCIAL PLANNING is best done in the new or waxing moon phase in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn.
  • MAINTENANCE is best done in the waning moon phase with the moon in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.
  • MOOVING HOUSE is best done in the waning or new moon phase with the moon in Taurus, Cancer or Libra.
  • NEGOCIATING can be done in the waxing or waning moon phase with the moon in Virgo, Capricorn or Gemini.
  • SELLING is best done in the waxing moon phase with the moon in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn.
  • STARTING A BUSINESS is best done in the waxing moon time with the moon in Taurus, Virgio, Scorpio or Capricorn.
  • THE TAX RETURN is best done in the waning moon phase with the moon in Taurus or Virgo.
  • FOR TRAVELLING avoid the full moon in Aries. The best moon signs for travelling are Gemini and Sagittarius.

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