Whilst most of us are familiar with window furnishings in general and they way they function, every now and then you may come across some terminology that you simply do not understand. Bottom up blinds, for example (also known as upside down or top down bottom up), often cause quite a bit of confusion the first time you hear them used. These blinds are actually becoming quite popular in this day and age, so we decided to take a closer look at them. We hope that this will help you to come to a final decision.

How do these blinds differ to ordinary ones?
The main difference is that these window furnishings can be opened from the top down as well as from the bottom up. They can even be opened at the top and bottom simultaneously! What this means is that the homeowner has exceptional control over the way that natural light is allowed to enter the room and how much privacy the occupants receive. Even though ordinary blinds offer excellent control, these ones are a significant improvement.

What are the advantages of using these blinds?
There are actually a number of advantages associated with the use of bottom up window coverings, including:
  • Homeowners are given complete control over the amount of natural light allowed to enter the room, as well as whether the light should be in the top or bottom of the space;
  • Homeowners can easily operate these blinds without fear of breaking or damaging them. Many people struggle to get the panels opened and closed in one smooth motion;
  • Homeowners are able to let plenty of light in without compromising on the privacy of the occupants, as the panels can be opened only at the top if so desired; and
  • Homeowners are able to ensure the safety of their children and pets, as this style is completely cord-free. This is of major concern with other styles, which pose a choking hazard.
Are these blinds limited in style and/or colour?
It is important to understand that these window coverings have actually been on the market for a while even though their popularity has only recently taken off. This means that they are available in many textures and styles, from moisture resistant to standard. You should be able to source a blind that is the perfect match (in both style and colour) for your décor, although it may require you to do a little bit of searching.

Now that you have a better understanding of what a bottom up blind actually is, you might be wondering whether this is the ideal solution for your own home or not. At the end of the day, this is completely up to you and your needs – if you have a problem with privacy because you live on a busy street or you overlook a neighbour’s yard, these blinds could be perfect. If you live in a more remote area or aren’t too bothered by privacy, however, you might actually find another window covering that is more suitable.