What to do when you have received an Electrical Defect Notice or Customer Installation / Private Mains Defect Report
By True Local Electricians|June 20, 2022
We are Level 2 Electricians covering all of the Sutherland Shire & St George. If you have received a “Customer Installation / Private Mains Defect Report” or commonly called a Electrical Defect Notice, please contract us for a FREE quote to have the issue rectified. In order to clear a defect notice, the home owner must contract a licensed ASP Level 2 electrician to perform repairs or upgrades to their home electrical system and have the contractor submit rectification paperwork to Ausgrid. Common Level 2 Repairs include:
- Private overhead/underground cables are damaged/deteriorated,
- Point of Attachment where Ausgrids overhead service line attaches is damaged, does not have the required minimum ground clearance,
- Defective mains box & consumer mains,
- Power pole is damaged,
- Electrical service is damaged or unserviceable,
- Overhead cable does not have the required ground clearance of 3 meters,
- The Crossarm on the private pole is damaged or unserviceable,
- Private overhead lines do not have the minimum safety clearance to ground and require retentioning,
- Defective or missing equipment,
- Missing Service Fuses,
- Broken point of attachments which are hanging off a roof,
- Old switchboards with porcelain fuses, old or missing service fuses, and asbestos panels,
- Low hanging overhead cables,
- Metering family defects,
- Defective mains box,
- Sagging powerlines,
- Rusted equipment – Rusty power poles & point of attachments,
- Requirement for a Riser Bracket,
- Old and deteriorated VIR Cable or Cotton Sheet Cable.