Grip Guard anti-slip treatment has been formulated to increase the slip resistance of floor surfaces making them safer for pedestrians without changing the appearance of the surface.

The anti-slip treatment is suitable for all stone based floors including ceramic, porcelain, marble, granite, terrazzo, exposed aggregate and concrete. Unlike anti-slip coatings, Grip Guard is not a topical coating that will wear away over time. Instead, the anti-slip treatment works its way into the floor and microscopically alters the surface to make it slip resistant in the long term.

Grip Guard anti-slip treatment was especially formulated to provide pedestrian safety in areas that become slippery when wet. Outdoors areas such as verandas, walkways, ramps, stairs, pool areas and entryways are often areas of concern.
Grip Guard anti-slip treatment is also effective for indoor areas where water is spilled, dripped or tracked causing a reduction in slip resistance. Areas such as foyers, indoor swim centres, commercial/residential kitchens, restrooms, showrooms, and laundries are common ‘danger areas’.

Grip Guard operators are specially trained to measure the slip resistance of floor surfaces to determine whether they are safe for pedestrian traffic. If floors are found to pose a risk to pedestrians, a sample area can be treated and a quote prepared without obligation.

Grip Guard anti-slip treatment has been used extensively throughout Australia and overseas to help property and business owners ensure that they have met their duty of care with regards to pedestrian safety. With litigation on the rise, it has never been more important to address floor safety issues.