We’ve all seen the funny video clips on television showing Mum falling off the water slide, Dad sliding off the sled into a snow-covered tree or Grandma slipping on spilled cake. Sad but true, we usually laugh at each one.

It’s not so funny, though, when you are the one that falls or slips on the slippery floor or walkway in your home or in front of your favorite store. An accident like that can result in just a bruised knee and a run in the stocking, but you could end up with a broken arm or worse. Yep, not so funny now!

Floor surfaces that do not have the appropriate non slip properties can have disastrous consequences – especially for the elderly. Statistics show the majority of elderly who break their hip in a fall die within a year due to complications resulting form their injuries.

Injuries like this are referred to as slip and fall in the legal world, and they can happen to anyone at any time on any type of property where surfaces do not have the appropriate non slip properties. It can happen inside the establishment or out. Slip and fall accidents can happen for many reasons.

  • Wet and slippery conditions
  • Bad lighting
  • Uneven walking surface
  • Poor choice of flooring

It is the obligation of every business or property owner, or property manager to ensure their facility is free from danger. That includes danger to themselves, their staff, and customers or, in the case of a private residence, their visitors and guests. To ensure that these obligations are met, floor surfaces should be examined by floor safety experts to measure their slip resistance.

Grip Guard Floor Safety provides non-slip floor safety solutions for all floor surfaces. Regardless of the floor surface, our trained operators can help property owners ensure that all their pedestrian surfaces are slip resistant.