Which Laminate Flooring Is The Most Durable With Pets In The Home?

Which Laminate Flooring Is The Most Durable With Pets In The Home?

If you have a pet in your home, you may be wondering which type of laminate flooring is the most durable and best for your family. With a variety of laminates available on the market, you’re probably questioning which one will work best in your home while also standing up to any wear and tear caused by pets.

Laminate flooring is becoming an increasingly popular flooring choice for both residential and commercial spaces due to its cost-effective nature and durability. Furthermore, it typically lasts about 15 years or more when maintained properly. For households with pets, the question often arises: how do you choose a laminate flooring solution that can stand up to your pet's active lifestyle?

Choosing the right type for your home will depend on your budget and lifestyle needs. Ultimately, there are several types of laminate floors that are better suited for homes with pets and could extend the life of your flooring. In this article, we will discuss which type is the most durable when it comes to accommodating your pet at home.
  • Choose laminate flooring with a high AC rating
The AC rating measures a type of floor’s resistance to abrasion, which means how well it will hold up over time to everyday wear and tear. The higher the AC rating, the more resistant flooring is to scratches and other forms of damage caused by your pets. Look for options between AC3 and AC5, as these levels offer excellent scratch resistance and durability even in busy households with lots of foot traffic from pets.
  • Go for waterproof laminate floor
Water resistance laminate flooring has been designed to be impervious to liquid spills and splashes from your pet’s water bowl or messes that need to be easy to clean. It can also stand up better against stains from muddy paws or claws digging into the surface over time.
  • Stick to darker shades of laminate floor
Darker shades do an even better job at hiding scratches and paw prints left behind by furry family members than lighter counterparts. This doesn’t mean they are immune from scratches, but they tend to be much harder for dirt, mud, or pet hair to show through since lighter colours may expose superficial abrasions with wear over time.
  • Choose slip-resistant laminate floors
For pet owners who have large dogs or active cats running around their homes often, slip-resistant laminate floorings for dogs are a great option as they come with a textured finish that makes them naturally less slippery than slick laminates and offers improved grip traction when walking on them with moist feet after swimming in lakes or playing out in the rain.

This is especially helpful if you want a smooth surface underfoot without having any worries about slips occurring due to moisture being tracked in by your four-legged friends during any adventures outside!

When it comes to choosing the right type of laminate flooring for your home, it’s always best to get professional advice. A flooring specialist can help you choose a product that will meet your needs and budget while also taking into consideration the specific needs of your pet. They can provide you with information on how to properly clean and maintain your floor in order to extend its life and keep it looking great for years to come.

Knowing these tips, you can now make an informed decision about the best type of laminate flooring for your home that is both pet-friendly and durable. With the right choice of flooring, you can enjoy a beautiful and long-lasting surface in your home while keeping your furry friends safe and comfortable.