At The Inspector, we pride ourselves on always doing a thorough job of inspecting your property. We can check the building's structural integrity, the quality of the workmanship and the potential for any pests to live or breed within your house. Our team of building inspectors are all highly experienced with all the necessary qualifications and training to provide a friendly and accurate service, every time. So, call us in Brisbane today and make sure that your property will stand the test of time!

Is it necessary for you to attend the inspection?

Whilst we do prefer you to be present during the inspection, it is certainly not necessary. We do encourage you to attend where possible however we understand work and family committments can get in the way, this does not stop us from providing you with a personalised report and you can also take advantage of our consultancy based commentary, and we are in a position to answer any of your questions regarding the property.

What if a major fault or defect is detected?

Don't despair! Firstly it is quite rare, and really - most faults can be fixed. Solutions can most often be found and after speaking to our building inspector you may then be in a position to negotiate through the agent with the vendor.

Sadly, some inspectors seem to be ‘panic merchants' and don't take the time to give the intending buyer a calm and rational explanation of the facts. Many a sale has fallen through unnecessarily and a real ‘dream home' lost

What about minor defects?

All homes, especially older properties, have many minor faults that are normal in a building of its age and structure. We'll happily give you advice on repair and any preventative measures required to protect your investment.

How soon will you have your results?

If you join us for the inspection, we will give you a verbal report then and there. If you can't be there we will personally phone through the results as early as it suits you. Your typed (confidential) report will follow via email to you or your nominated representative as you direct by the next working day at the latest.


YES! We are fully licenced and insured. Please ask us or your solicitor what this means to you.