Building a new home?

Here’s some of our top tips!

- Do your research. Not all builders are the same. They don’t offer the same inclusions and be wary of any hidden costs or estimates

- Set a budget, ensure your builders contract includes site and council costs. Allow extra for landscaping and drive way works

- Develop a good relationship with your site supervisor. You want them to have your best interests at heart to ensure the job is well done.

- Remember that ‘display homes’ are usually fitted out with top of the range finishes, to get the same look can be costly

- Write a list of non negotiables for your new home. What do you want to include or upgrade? What are some things you’re willing to compromise on to fit within budget?

- Call us. We can ensure your home is being built to meet building standards and provide reports you can show your builder for anything that needs to be rectified. Not only does it offer peace of mind, sometimes having a third party involved makes things a little easier for you.