Fire pits can be an amazing addition to any garden, and can warm up your outdoor entertaining area during chilly South Australian nights. Not only do they bring a physical and visual warmth to your home, they can also be a beautiful focal point in your backyard landscape. Whether you’re looking for an inexpensive DIY project, or a professionally designed and built masterpiece, there’s a perfect fire pit for every backyard.

The Centre of Your Backyard
Water features, garden ornaments and ponds have acted as the focal points in Australian backyards for years, but fire pits are gaining a strong foothold in the landscaping market. Fire pits make great landscape centrepieces, and with the option of either wood or gas models, you can install your fire pit pretty much anywhere you like. A fire pit can also bring a homely warmth to your outdoor entertaining space, contrasting perfectly with the cool greens of the foliage.

A Design for Every Space

Whatever size or shape your outdoor space is, there’s a fire pit for you. Not only are there scores of companies offering high quality and even custom designs, but there are also several companies and retailers offering easy-to-assemble kits you can put together yourself. While the more traditional brick fire pits are still alive and well in Australian backyards, newer “fire table” designs are becoming more and more popular, showcasing the flame itself on a flat, open platform. These pits are also available in different materials, from brick and ceramic to steel, offering eco-friendly options and design options for any landscaping style.

From Budget to Blue Ribbon

Fire pits range in price from less than a hundred dollars, to anywhere up to a thousand depending on quality, size and the individuality of the fire pit. Opting for a smaller, wood fire pit can save you some money, and also makes it easier to move or relocate the fire pit later on. Larger, gas-operated fire pits can also allow for more design options and light with the flick of a switch. Some models run off portable bottled gas, while others can be piped into your gas lines. This can bump up the cost of your fire pit, but the convenience and premium design is worth it.

Stay Safe

When you’re enjoying your fire pit, it’s important to ensure that you and your family are safe. You should never leave a fire unattended, especially around children or pets. Fire pits should only be used in an uncovered, open area – flued models are available for patios or verandahs.

Whatever fire pit you choose, make sure you make the most of it!