H&K check your pool fence day

H&K check your pool fence day

NSW Property owners who have a pool on the premises must be registered on an online register by 29th October 2013. As well pool owners will require a compliance certificate before sale or lease of their property from 29th April 2014. To help NSW Pool Owners H&K Ryan have committed to the “H&K Ryan check your pool fence day”. Howard Ryan will answer (via email on the day) any questions that property owners have regarding their pool fence free of charge.

Howard will be available to answer emails on the 1st October 2013 regarding pool fencing. This is a community service, no charge or obligation.

To participate: Send a photo of the pool fence and your question to howard@hnkryan.com on 1st October 2013

Extract from the NSW Government The Swimming Pools (Amendment) Act 2012

NSW Swimming Pools Register available for use by 29 April 2013 NSW
Swimming pools to be registered by owners by 29 October 2013
Pool owners require a compliance certificate before sale or lease of their property from 29 April 2014 In 2012, a comprehensive review of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 was finalised.