Getting The Most Out of a Small Kitchen Space

Not every Australian home is a sprawling ranch style. For some people it can be quite a challenge to fit the right components into the allocated kitchen space for a layout that not only looks good but works.

If you’re the owner of a tiny kitchen space, then you need to be able to have everything you need without your space feeling crowded and cramped. Furniture needs to be sleek and simple. Ideally you would use stackable chairs that can be stored out of use.

What else can you do to make the best of a smaller space?

Use Light and Colour Wisely

Lighter colours can do a lot for making your kitchen appear to be larger than it really is. Darker colours will give the illusion that the room is even smaller, so go for white, pale blues, greys or yellows. With the correct lighting, for example ceiling spot lights, you’ll also be able to lose any dark areas and make your kitchen ceiling appear to be higher.

One of the biggest challenges that you’ll face is that of being able to incorporate enough storage. Of course, we all need somewhere to store the various appliances in addition to the cooking utensils and containers. Without enough storage space, it can get very frustrating and spoil the look by making them appear cluttered.

One quick way to add more space is to install lazy susans inside cabinets to provide that extra footage of storage.

Flooring Makes a Big Difference

The floor can make a surprisingly large difference to the appearance of the small kitchen. The secret is to use smaller floor tiles as these give the illusion of space. Again using colours that are light and ideally reflective of light will give the heart of the home that roomier feel.

If you want particular large appliances, but cannot see how they can fit, be aware that it’s now possible to buy compact style appliances for smaller kitchens. Dish washers fridges and ovens come in smaller sizes and you’re bound to find the ideal one for you with a little bit of research.

The smaller kitchen can be created with just as much style and panache as ones with larger space available, it just takes some homework and smart thinking.

To find out more about making the best of your kitchen space, visit Kitchen Craftsmen.