Start your kitchen renovation right – The kitchen working triangle

These days it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the beautiful and stylish products available for your kitchen. Glass splashbacks, door handles, bench tops, the list goes on and on. Take a step back and start with the basics.

The sink is one of the three points of main activity in your kitchen. Together with the stove and fridge areas they create what designers call ‘The Kitchen Working Triangle’.

When starting your design for your kitchen renovation, most kitchen designers will start with the kitchen sink, knowing all too well how much time we can spend at it! To provide access between these points will make your kitchen a pleasurable place to be in, even those times you wish you were somewhere else!!

DNA Bathrooms & Kitchens can help create the perfect ‘Kitchen Working Triangle’ when undertaking your kitchen renovations.

Call us today on 1300 727 651!