Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner, so if you haven’t already started getting your home and outdoor spaces ready for summer time really is of the essence!

Australian homeowners have many options to consider where home improvements are concerned, but naturally the size of your home, the layout of your outdoor spaces, and the local climate and weather patterns are among the many important factors to consider and address.

Creating a Shaded Outdoor Space

For those who lack the budget required to create a permanent outdoor space, like covering a patio or deck, or aren’t interested in a permanent fixture, installing a shade sail is an option to look into. Shade sails are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit any outdoor space, so you’re sure to find a quality shade sail that’s perfect for the area you’re looking to cover.

To select the most suitably sized and shaped shade sail for your outdoor space, take the following points into consideration:

  • The size and shape of the outdoor space you want to cover
  • Potential anchor points and the strength of the structures
  • The direction of the sun and the location of barbeques, etc.

Miami Stainless supplies a broad range of shade sail accessories, including brackets, chains, fork terminals and wall plates, so rest assured that we have everything you need to securely install your shade sail at home.

Installing a Balustrade Pool Fence

Pool fencing regulations are strictly enforced across Australia but many homeowners are tired of having a fence that blocks the view of the pool from the house or outdoor spaces. The solution? A beautiful glass balustrade pool fence that enables you to look out on your pool from afar and lets you watch the kids without having to be inside the fence. Or getting splashed!

Our stainless steel glass fence spigots are available in two varieties – deck mounted and core drilled clamp designs – so whether you want to install a balustrade fence on a wooden surface or something harder like brick or concrete, you won’t have any problems installing the fittings.

Adding a Touch of Nature to Your Outdoor Spaces

Many of us have large gardens which are heavenly to spend time in, weather permitting, but what about homeowners who lack the space in which to create a green space and consequently spend much of their time outdoors looking at the garden fence or walls?

In addition to large potted plants that make great green additions to outdoor spaces, there’s also the option of installing garden trellises which are available in a wide range of sizes to suit all outdoor spaces. There are a number of wonderful climbers with brightly coloured flowers that are ideal for Australian climates, including the following which are perfect for sunny spots:

  • Bougainvillea

This hardy, easy to grow climber is a stunner and a common sight right across Australia. It is best suited to warm tropical and subtropical climates and can be found in wonderful shades of pink apricot, orange and cream in addition to the more common reds and purples.

  • Golden Trumpet Vine

This striking climber requires plenty of water and a warm sheltered position to flourish. It can be grown in most parts of Australian and is recognisable by its clear buttercup yellow flowers with orange stripes that emerge from spring to autumn, but it still looks stunning in summer.

  • Star Jasmine

As it isn’t a true jasmine you needn’t worry about it strangling any other climbers nearby and with its white, gorgeously scented flowers there’s little wonder why it’s as popular as it is. The only real drawback to this evergreen vine is the length of time it takes to grow up the trellis, however, it is extremely hardy and grows throughout Australia except in the coldest climates.

As our stainless steel garden trellises are resistant to the elements and remarkably low maintenance, apart from training the climbers to grow upwards, which is very easy to do, this is quite a simple outdoor project for all homeowners, even those who have little DIY experience. If you’re not sure of the trellis size you need for your outdoor space, provide us with your requirements and we’ll help you select the most suitably sized garden trellis kit for your needs.

These are just several of many easy and affordable outdoor projects you can get started on in preparation for summer, all of which are sure to transform your outdoor spaces and make your plans for entertaining family and friends all the more viable.