We are often asked whether or not to seal pavers purchased through Simons Seconds. In short, prevention is often better than the cure. Sealing pavers is optional, you certainly do not have to do it but if would like your pavers to stay clean and look “newer” for longer then sealing is a good idea. Both old (cleaned) paving and new paving, once dry, can be sealed.

Sound like hard work? Well – you don’t have to do all the work, some pavers in the market are pre-sealed, the manufacturer takes the work out of it for you (e.g. Austral’s Paveshield Riviera Freedom range or Boral Aspenstone pavers).

There are several benefits to sealing your pavers.

  • Minimise maintenance (recommended by water authorities and be kind to the environment)
  • Prevent stains from food and drink spillages, BBQ’s, dirt and fallen leaves and pet messes. If pavers are sealed these stains will occur on the sealant, not the paver or its pores.
  • Slow the growth and prevent moss or mildew in damp areas
  • Reduce the rate of colour fade
  • Initially inhibit weed/insect infestation
  • Sealing will keep your pavers looking “newer” longer

What sealer should I use and how far will it go? There are a number of different brands of sealers available to you. At Simons Seconds we stock the Spirit and Marble Tile Care range and it is available to buy online on our online store. The type of sealant will vary from penetrating to surface based or matt & gloss. You should speak to your sales person as to which sealer is best with the product you have purchased. Each type of paving and its use will determine the most appropriate sealant product.

Cost of sealing will depend on the paver and whether one coat or two coats (recommended)of sealant are applied. To give you an idea on how much sealer you will need.

The Spirit Natural Paving Seal 1 Litre tin will cover a 6-8 square metre area depending on the porosity of paver and should last for up to 5 years.

The Spirit Premium Seal 1 Litre tin will cover a 6-8 square metre area depending on the porosity of paver. Spirit Natural Seal should last for up to 10 years.

It is obviously cheaper to do it yourself, but make sure you have the right equipment, including safety gear and mind your pets and family. Please read instructions thoroughly, as most sealants are hazardous. Application If you have purchased paving and would like to seal it there are a few options to applying sealer. You can have your landscaper seal your pavers for you or you can seal them yourself. There are different methods and you should check with the manufacturer of the sealer and paver as to what is best suited to your product.

Some of the methods are:

  • Dipping – dip your pavers into the seal prior to laying
  • Roll – roll on the sealer with a paint brush roller
  • Brush or Sweep sealer over laid pavers (use of a brush or broom will do this)
  • Spray on with hand held bottle or pump device

Sealing will definitely extend the life and look of your pavers and the initial work and expense will add life and luster to your newly laid pavers. For more information on the sealers that we sell at Simons Seconds please look at our Sealer range in our online store.