Because Menai is right at the outskirts of Greater Sydney, it is in a unique position for all kinds of pest activity. Between the rodents and spiders common in the city to the more exotic creatures of the bush, Menai is a hotbed for pests, including possums, bats, ants, termites and more. For help with these and a variety of other unwanted critters, you can count on Dependable Pest Control.

Experience You Can Trust

We have been operating in the region for more than 30 years, which has enabled us to familiarise ourselves with the plethora of local pests that call Menai home. Although many of these animals and bugs are critical to the local ecosystem, you don't want them causing damage to your property. We have the skills and expertise to get them off your property safely and effectively without causing harm to the ecosystem.

Our fully licensed pest control specialists work hard to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in the industry so we can provide you with the best possible service. We are experts at what we do and can advise you as to how you can prevent any pests from coming back again in the future.

Thorough Home Inspections

You likely had a home inspector come out to check out your house before you bought it, but did you have a pest inspection as well? Many people overlook this important step because they think the home inspector has it covered. However, the truth of the matter is that many home inspectors may not know what to look for in terms of pest activity and will only find the most obvious signs. We know exactly how to find out if the home has had pest problems in the past so that your building inspector can identify any structural damage that may have occurred.

Once you have bought your home, the best way to keep it pest-free is with regular visits from us. We'll treat your property to prevent pests from taking up residence so you won't have to worry about them creating a nuisance or damaging your house. We invite you to get in touch with us today to learn more about our pest control services in Menai and to request a free, no-obligation price quote.