Are easy hacks enough to keep pests away?
Your home is a haven of comfort and safety, which you wouldn’t want to compromise upon in anyway.

Think of this – would you be laid-back about a burglar trying to break-in? How about if someone vandalized your home, destroying its beauty? You’d immediately want to stop any of these catastrophes from happening, right?

The same goes for having a pest infestation in your home. It requires the same amount of vigilance and proactive attitude.

A timely inspection after being acquainted with the necessary information could go on to save you from immense losses for your home or endangering loved ones. And this is why you need to have one of Melbourne’s reputed pest control professional services at hand and not just try to acquire it at the eleventh hour.

Protech pests Control service is one of Melbourne’s finest exterminators equipped with the latest technology and certified professionals. In fact, it’s safe to say we’re one of those numbers you need to have stuck on your fridge so that you can contact us immediately if need be.

Service makes a difference

Protech Pest control offers service that meets our brand promise, which is to keep your home pest-free. Ants, cockroaches, termites, wasps, bees, rodents, spiders – you name it, we eliminate it!

An infestation always starts out small and for minor reasons but can go on to become very detrimental. Being one of Melbourne’s finest pest exterminators, we conduct a thorough inspection to identify the cause of the problem and then propose the necessary treatments.

And not just that we conduct inspections for buildings to check how prone they might be to a pest infestation. This of course is important when choosing the property you want to invest your savings in.

Protech Pest Control’s 6 sided advantage

Think of it like this, Protech’s effective and thoroughly designed services offer 360 degree protection for your home or office.
Our shield keeps you protected through it all! Wondering what this ‘six-sided’ shield is? We believe it helps optimize on safety and leaves your home feeling safe and secure, like the way you always want it to be.


This is absolutely necessary to identify the species of pest that is wreaking havoc in your home.
Each of our technicians is certified to fix the problem and will do the dirty as well as difficult work of examining nooks corners of your home.

Primary Pest Control:

We examine potential entry points to your home and strategically place pest treatments to aid in the removal of the critters.
This eliminates the possibility of any new additions to the pests you already have in your premises

Reports with recommendation:

Our inspection enables us to form insights on the cause, need and treatment. This helps you too, to gain an idea on what treatments you need to go on for.

Pest Control:

For pests that dug deeper into the structure and have done damage to the foundations you will need to conduct more severe treatments so as to completely flush out the pests right from inside.


We understand that it is difficult for you to be equipped with end-to-end information on the pests and their behavior.
Hence, we do not leave you to fight this battle alone but ensure that you have a technician to guide you through the process.

Post-elimination check-up:

Our promise to protect you does not end here. We conduct a free inspection post treatment to ensure you are completely satisfied with the removal of the pests and also issue a warranty period to keep your home free from these critters.

It’s good to be Protechted!

Commercial building or home, we are dedicated to ridding your home from pests. Your home and its safety matters to you and that’s why it matters to us.

A call today could go a long way! For any pest problem call us at 1300 486 149 or visit , and avail of a free, no-obligations quote over the phone for our pest control services.