Imagine this: You decide to enter your home from the side door instead of the front door for the first time in a few months. You’re carrying your 3-year-old child and a couple bags from shopping. You fish in your purse for a key, and then absently glance up to the corner of your porch. There you see the biggest spider you have ever seen.

Freezing, you take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself. Then, you back up slowly with your child and shopping in hand, escaping to the much more frequently visited front door. Once inside, you inspect every corner of your house, concerned for your child’s safety.

Usually, spiders are just munching on the irritating flies and other insects that you might see around your house. But, some spiders are harmful, and according to Australian Geographic, the Sydney Funnel Web Spider is one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

How should you deal with spiders in your home? Professional pest experts recommend:
  • Eliminate their webs. Webs are both a spider’s home and a source of food. If you frustrate them by vacuuming or otherwise clearing out spider’s webs whenever you see them, they will not stay in your home. Make sure that you vacuum along the corners of the ceiling as well as the floor, as many spiders make their webs high up.
  • Fill in the gaps. Gaps around the door, as well as any other access points to the house such as windows and pipes, allow spiders to enter your home. Try using inexpensive, easy to use weather stripping to spider proof your home.
  • Get rid of their food. Spiders like to munch on a variety of insects, especially ones that can fly into their webs. If you tend to have a lot of moths or flies buzzing around outside lights at night, try turning them off instead of leaving them on.
  • Remove places they can find cover. Spiders construct their webs in woodpiles, your home’s eaves, children’s toys left outside and seldom used, or between trash bags. Spiders no longer live near your home if you eliminate havens for their webs.
  • Call Pest Control Experts. Often pest control experts will assist with identifying spiders and will also help control large infestations.

Please remember that your safety is paramount. Although most spiders are harmless, if you are ever bitten by a spider make sure you contact your doctor right away!

Call Dependable Pest Control in Sydney to deal with your spider problems.