Summer is the perfect time for humans to be active because it is full of daylight and enjoyable weather. Humans engage in outdoor activities like hiking, barbecuing, and going to the beach. Unfortunately for us, pests are also more active in summer.

As it turns out, humans are not the only ones who enjoy daylight and warm weather. Pests also enjoy warm weather and extended daylight, but for different reasons.

There are a variety of reasons why pests are more active in summer. These reasons include more daylight, increased food sources, and warm weather.

Here are some reasons why pests are more active in summer according to Pro Pest Control Sydney:

Pests are Poikilotherms

Humans are homeotherms, meaning our body temperature is stable. By contrast, insects are poikilotherms. As a result, most pests' body temperatures depend on the outdoor temperature.

Warm temperatures are prevalent in summer and facilitate pests’ development and behavior. Pests can do things in the summer that are impossible during other seasons. Their poikilothermic nature means that pests thrive in the summertime.

Pests are more active in summer because the temperature allows them to thrive.

Predatory Insects are Attracted to Pests

Pests are more healthy and active in summer. Pests like aphids and ants thrive during the summertime. An influx in prey ants attracts predatory pests. Predatory insects take advantage of the abundance of prey pests during summertime.

Wasps and praying mantis use this time to eat prey insects, like aphids and ants.

Summer allows a perfect storm for prey insects and predatory insects to be more active in summer.

Food Availability

Pests become more active in summer because nourishment becomes more abundant. Flowers, crops, and other plants thrive in the summertime. Luckily for pests, the garden becomes like a buffet. Similarly, pests higher on the food chain eat pests lower on the food chain.

Pests are more active in summer because they have an abundance of food sources from which to choose.

Summer Showers and Moisture

Just like humans, pests need water for survival. Summer is known for thunderstorms and showers. These weather phenomena allow insects and pests to thrive.

Many insects lay eggs in rainwater. Showers and the rainwater left behind provide pests with a perfect place to lay eggs.

Insects also need moisture for survival, and showers facilitate this. Showers and moisture are reasons that pests are more active in summer.

Preparation for Winter

Insects thrive during the summertime because the heat allows them to reach ideal temperatures. During summer, insects can reproduce and grow. Summertime also allows insects to begin preparation for winter. The long days, and hotter temperatures, provide insects and pests with a chance to prepare winter burrows and nests.

An increase in available time to prepare nests for winter is why pests are more active in summer.

Longer Daylight

Longer daylight hours allow pests to engage in daily activities like gathering food, laying eggs, and building nests. Summer provides the longest daylight time of any season. Pests use the longer daylight time of summer as an advantage.

Longer daylight hours are a reason why pests are more active in summer.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of pests moves in conjunction with the seasons. Most pest growth occurs during the summertime. As such, pests are more prevalent during summer.

Pests who have a life cycle that moves with summer are:
  • Flies
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents

Gathering food and reproducing are two reasons why pests are more active in summer.

Larger Amounts of People

People are also more active in the summertime. Pests are more active in summer because people provide food opportunities. The garbage of a human is a treasure for a pest. Human waste is also a major food source of pests. Pests that take advantage of larger amounts of people, including:
  • Fleas
  • Mosquitoes
  • Rodents

Pests are more active in summer because people provide them with ample food opportunities.

Summer is a time of outdoor enjoyment for humans and pests alike.

Pests take advantage of the abundance of humans around during summer. Humans provide food sources for pests, making pests more active in summer.

Insects are cold-blooded and dormant during the winter. Summer provides insects and pests with ideal conditions to thrive. The linked nature of pests and their life cycle explains why pests are more active in summer.

An abundance of daylight, food, and warmth are a few reasons why pests are more active in summer. The different weather variables combine to create a perfect storm of pests more active in summer.