5 Signs Of A Serious Plumbing Problem You Shouldn't Ignore

5 Signs Of A Serious Plumbing Problem You Shouldn't Ignore

Searching for a Sydney plumber to help with your plumbing repairs? Most of us take plumbing for granted — until we notice water pooling at the base of our toilet or a kitchen sink slowly draining away.

When plumbing issues arise, it is easy to put off getting the problem fixed. But ignoring these types of signs can lead to bigger and more expensive issues. Know when to call in the experts and be aware of some common symptoms of serious plumbing problems.

The plumbing industry is a huge business that many rely on for various aspects of their daily lives. A slow or blocked drain, a leak in the pipes, leaking faucets, a hot water system malfunction, a high water bill or any other serious plumbing problem has the potential to wreak havoc on your home and cause costly damage if not addressed immediately.

There are some telltale signs that indicate when your plumbing system is in trouble, so pay attention to them before your small issue becomes a big one. Recognizing these warning signs can help you avoid uncertain situations and make sure that you get professional plumbing assistance before it's too late. In this article, we’ll cover five key indicators that indicate high-priority emergency plumbing services may be necessary.

1. Foul odours coming from plumbing fixtures

One of the first warning signs of a serious plumbing problem doesn't come from any kind of visual inspection – it comes from a smell. If you notice an unpleasant odour coming from your sink, tub or shower, chances are you have clogged drains or buildup occurring in your pipes that are causing bacteria to form and emit an unpleasant stench. You'll want to have a professional Sydney plumber take a look at this issue as soon as possible before things start to get worse!

2. Water backing up in unusual places

If you notice water backing up in your sink or tub when using other fixtures in your bathroom or kitchen, this is often an indication that there’s some kind of clog deep down within your plumbing system. Sometimes this backup will even occur when running more than one fixture at once such as when flushing the toilet along with running water in the bathtub – this is a sign that something needs to be done sooner rather than later in order to repair the blockage.

3. Low water pressure

Low water pressure (or equally distributed low pressure) could be indicative of several different piping issues including corroded pipes, faulty valves on underground lines, overflowing tanks, etc., all of which should be addressed by a professional plumbing company right away in order to prevent any further water damage inside the home.

4. Too much moisture around pipes

If you detect puddles around or underexposed pipes or consistently moist walls near pipe fittings and joints -– especially after cold spells – then you might have moisture seepage somewhere within the plumbing system lurking about and needing close attention fast!

5. Gurgling flows in your plumbing system

Anytime a gurgling sound is heard each time water runs through one of the draining points in your house – such as toilets, showers, bathtubs and sinks – then it could mean trapped air pockets within those pipelines and needs immediate correction from a skilled professional before further deteriorations take place in those older pipes!

These five signs are all good indicators that it's time to call a plumber before any further damage is done. If you notice any of the above issues, don't hesitate – to contact your local Sydney plumber for assistance right away!