Unblocking Your Drain: Best Practices and Helpful Tips

Unblocking Your Drain: Best Practices and Helpful Tips

A drain that functions smoothly is a crucial component of a clean and sanitised home environment. However, drains often tend to be overlooked during regular home upkeep, until issues arise. Frequent misuse and inadequate maintenance can open the floodgates to numerous problems such as foul smell, water backup, and even major pipe blockages. By understanding the common problems that lead to blocked drains, we set a foundation for prevention and the ability to quickly address these issues when they arise.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the best practices and essential tips for unblocking your drain, and will extensively emphasise the importance of consistent cleaning of your drains for proper maintenance.

Identifying the Causes of a Blocked Drain

Proper troubleshooting commences with identification of the root cause. In the case of blocked drains, often the villains that can be held accountable are everyday household commodities. Hair strands, tiny food particles, and even small debris from soaps could seem harmless but could lead to severe drain blockages over time.

The misuse of toilets as an alternative dustbin contributes significantly to this problem as well. It's quite astonishing to comprehend the variety of items, from children's toys to cotton buds and feminine hygiene products, that are irresponsibly flushed down toilets. These items do not disintegrate like toilet paper and tend to lodge within the drains, causing major blockages.

Outdoor drain pipes are equally at risk from external factors, such as tree roots. Tree roots naturally seek out moisture, leading them to extensively spread and penetrate the joints of your drain pipes, causing severe obstructions. And let's not forget the underplayed role of fats, oils, and grease. While these may slide down your drain in liquid form, they cool down, solidify and gradually build up a stubborn obstacle within your pipes.

The Importance of Regular Drain Maintenance

The adage, 'prevention is better than cure' rings particularly true for drain maintenance. Regular drain maintenance not only helps you identify and rectify potential blockages but also saves you significant repair costs, time and effort. This includes proper disposal of food waste, avoiding flushing non-flushable items, and regular cleaning.

Having professional inspections as part of your regular drain maintenance is also recommended. A trained eye armed with specialised equipment can uncover more advanced issues that would not be obvious to the untrained eye, thereby preventing minor issues from escalating into major ones.

Simple yet effective steps can be taken toward regular maintenance of your drains. This could involve using sink strainers to catch any food debris, cleaning your drain stoppers frequently to remove any accumulated hair or soap scum, and generally being responsible about what you allow into your drainage system.

Essential Tools for Unclogging a Drain

It's important to be well-prepared with all the necessary tools when attempting to unblock a drain. One of the most common drain unblocking tools in any household is the plunger. The key trick to using the plunger effectively begins with creating a vacuum for maximum suction. Therefore, it is important to cover any overflow spouts before you begin plunging.

However, there will be instances where the blockage proves too stubborn for the plunger. For these situations, the handy plumber's snake or drain snake can be employed. This flexible auger is long enough to reach the more distant clogs. But, if the blockage still persists or is located even deeper, a hand auger becomes an effective tool. It has a more extensive reach compared to traditional snake tools.

Best Practices for Unclogging Your Drain

Knowing how to unblock a drain involves much more than how to use a plunger or a snake tool. To begin, always prioritise safety. Ensure to wear protective clothing, especially gloves and eye protectors, to prevent injuries or exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

Begin with the plunger and only escalate to advanced tools like the drain snake if the blockage continues. After the removal of the blockage, you should also always make sure to flush your drain with hot (but not boiling) water, to clear out any lingering particles. To ensure your drains remain clear in the long run, consider using a drain-cleaning solution to get rid of any residual debris. But remember not to overdo it, as usage of excessive chemicals could be harmful to your drains in the long run.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

While DIY tactics can resolve many minor blockages, certain circumstances absolutely call for professional help. For instance, if there is a persistent problem or a large obstruction (like a toy or a pile of thick newspapers) that you're struggling to remove, refrain from making the situation worse and instead call a plumber for assistance.

Relying on a professional certified plumber has its unique advantages. They have the expertise and advanced tools necessary for resolving complex issues, preventing further damage, and advising on measures to avoid future blockages. To find a reliable plumbing service, you could ask for recommendations from your network, conduct online research and comparisons, or request quotes from several service providers for a cost-effective solution.


Mastering the maintenance of your drain effectively and knowing how to unblock them, are indeed crucial elements for every homeowner. Regular maintenance is a liberating exercise that unburdens you from potential costly repairs and unsanitary conditions. From understanding the causes of blockages to using the best tools, and knowing when to call a plumber to help clean your drains, common drain-unblocking scenarios are manageable with a little knowledge and effort. However, remember to always call for professional assistance when in doubt, instead of risking further damage to your drainage system. Keep your drains clear, and you maintain a happy, healthy home.