Living in a climate with seasonal changes, such as Melbourne, means that your home’s roof vents need to be functioning properly to keep you and your family comfortable, healthy, and protected. Most home owners don’t give their roof vents a thought, but understanding the vital role they play in one of the most important assets your home has – its roof – will underscore the vital function they perform.

Roof restoration includes many activities such as roof painting, tile replacement, cleaning, and the careful inspection of the vents. Roof vents are there to provide good ventilation for your home, without which moisture can build up inside your home. This can cause structural damage both inside the house and in the roof. Roof vents come in two types – intake and exhaust. Working together, they ensure that fresh air gets into your home, while old air is sent outside.

What happens when your home’s ventilation is poor? This isn’t a pretty picture. Not only will your energy costs rise because it is harder to heat and cool your home, but also fungus can start to build up, and in extreme circumstances, wood can rot. Ice dams and other blockages can form leading to structural damage, which can be expensive to fix. These problems may start small, but they will grow over time, so it is important to stay on top of them.

Remember to have your roof vents inspected during your next roof restoration. This should be scheduled at least every five to ten years. Doing so, will help you avoid problems down the road, keep your energy costs down, and allow your family to breathe healthy, clean, fresh air. If you don’t have roof vents currently installed, or should they need to be replaced a reliable roof restoration and roof repair company can recommend which type of ventilation option will best suit your particular style of home.