The last thing you want is for an intruder to gain access to your home. The situation could put the lives of your loved ones at risk or cause you to confront a substantial material loss. Even if you have comprehensive home and contents insurance, the inconvenience of replacing all your valuables should not be underestimated.

So how can you reduce the likelihood of this everhappening to you? By identifying and securing the most common entry points of your home.

The Front Door
Ever heard the expression, “he waltzed on in through the front door?” The front door is the favourite among thieves. Around 34% of intruders gain entry through this route. And there’s much more to securing your front door than just ensuring it’s locked. In fact, burglars rarely gain entry through an unlocked door. They will more than likely kick it down, or silently pick the lock.
· Install a motion sensor alarm, preferably with mobile phone alerts.
· Install a tough strike plate and deadbolt to safeguard against kick-ins.

The Garage
Garages are also a common entry point, especially those that double as carports. Often, homeowners who use the garage as the mainentry point can become relax with their security practices, tending to leave sections unlocked in favour of convenience. That’s a mistake. Savvy burglars often monitor or survey their targets in advance to find weaknesses. An unsecured garage would allow them to walk straight in.
· Always lock all garage doors.
· Don’t leave the garage door’s remote control in your car.
· Ensure you have an adequate lock and tough door materials.

The Backdoor
The backdoor is a classic entry point as it allows the burglar to hidefrom view. Glass doors can be smashed and unlocked from the inside, while sliding doors can often be taken entirely off their tracks. Furthermore, some homeowners don’t bother locking them as they underestimate the risks.
· Always lock your back door.
· Install a motion sensor alarm.
· Keep keys well out of reach.

The First Floor Window
As many as 23% of break-ins occur on the first-floor window, which can often be unhinged or smashed. After failing to find an easy entry point in the above three options, most burglars make a beeline for windows.
· Install reinforced windows, or super tough polycarbonate or Plexiglas.
· Ensure all windows are secure.
· Put bars over windows.

The Second Floor Window
If all else fails, a burglar may consider using a ladder or the surrounding terrain to climb up to a second-floor window. This measure is rather unlikely as it accounts for just 2% of robberies. Nevertheless, one shouldn’t become too complacent.
· Ensure windows remained locked and secured.
· Remove any ladders or objects a burglar could use to gain access.

Home security is serious business and often requires heavy duty hardware in addition to vigilance and common sense. Check out the Home Safety Store website for all your personal security needs.