With summer coming on, there’s every chance you’ve started thinking about energy efficient pool pumps. You want to be able to enjoy your pool without breaking the bank, right?

Using the right pool pump is the key to decreasing energy consumption, minimising costs and keeping your pool in superbly swim-able condition. It also makes maintenance much, much easier. At the end of the day, your pool is meant to be a source of pleasure, not a liability. But the question is: how do you go about choosing the most effective and energy efficient pool pumps for your particular set of circumstances?

Fortunately, you don’t need to be an expert to work it out. Selecting swimming pool pumps is just a matter of doing the right sums and then shopping with an informed, energy-conscious perspective.

- Grab a calculator or piece of paper and figure out the volume of your pool. To do this, you’ll need to multiply the length by the breadth by the average depth. For example, 3m x 10m x 1.2m = 36 cubic metres, or 36,000 litres.

- Keep in mind that, in order to stay clean; the water in your pool should be “turned over” every two hours, at least. “Turnover” refers to the process of cycling the water through the filtration and cleaning system, of which the pump provides the heartbeat. Using the example above, you would need to turn over 36,000 litres every 2 hours or 300 litres per minute.

- Browse pool pumps to find the one that’s going to be most efficient, in terms of filtering a pool of equivalent volume to yours.

Remember that some pool pumps are priced cheaply, but that does not necessarily mean that they’re going to prove inexpensive to run. The biggest issue when considering swimming pool pumps is operating costs. That’s why a pool pump energy saver is a much better choice than a cheap but resource-devouring option.

With summer coming on, there’s every chance you’ve started thinking about energy efficient pool pumps. You want to be able to enjoy your pool without breaking the bank, right?