Have you been considering installing security screen doors, but can’t decide between mesh or bars? Are you looking to add extra features like triple locking to your home’s quality security door to have peace of mind? Mesh security screen doors and windows are becoming the preferred choice for many homeowners, offering a range of benefits that bars can’t.

Security doors and windows must meet Australian standards. A marine-grade stainless steel mesh is a type of stainless steel mesh designed for use in corrosive environments. It is resistant to salt water, acid and other harsh materials, making it ideal for applications such as marine equipment, railing systems and architectural construction.

If you’re looking to install a security screen door on your home, then mesh is the best choice. It offers several advantages over bars when it comes to security, ease of use, appeal, and durability. In this article, we will explain why mesh is superior to bars when it comes to security screen doors for your home.

Introducing Mesh Security Screens

Mesh security screen doors are one of the most effective and economical methods for securing the perimeter of your home. They also keep insects, pests, and even small animals from entering our homes without sacrificing aesthetics. However, there are two primary types of materials used for making these doors: Mesh and Bars.

Mesh security window screens offer a modern, stylish look to your home while providing superior protection against intruders or forced entry. These screens are made from high-tensile stainless steel mesh with a powder-coated finish and reinforced edges for added strength.

The mesh is coated with enamel paint, adding extra durability and making it resistant to corrosion and rust. These screens come in different colours and styles, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home’s décor.

Advantages of Mesh over Bars

Mesh offers several advantages over traditional bar designs.
  • Increased visibility & aesthetics
Mesh security screens allow for better visibility from the inside out, giving you a better view of your surroundings if you want to keep your doors open. It also offers a more stylish and modern look compared to bar designs, allowing you to enjoy a more pleasing aesthetic.
  • Better ventilation and natural sunlight entry
The mesh design allows for improved air ventilation and natural sunlight entry into your home. This can help reduce energy costs while providing an inviting atmosphere in your home. The mesh also helps filter out dust and pollen, making it ideal for those with allergies or asthma.
  • More durable & easy to clean
Mesh is incredibly durable and long-lasting, making it perfect for high-traffic areas. It’s also much easier to clean than bars, as the mesh can be wiped down with a damp cloth or vacuumed.
  • Protects from insect invasion & offers Higher levels of safety
Fly screen doors, also known as insect screen doors or screen doors, are mesh doors mounted on the outside of a window that allows natural airflow without letting in unwanted pests.

Mesh security screens offer superior protection from insects and other pests, as well as provide higher levels of safety than bar designs. The mesh is much more difficult to climb or cut through, making it harder for intruders to gain access to your home.

Ultimately, mesh security screens are the better choice for your home’s security needs. They offer increased visibility and aesthetics, improved ventilation and natural sunlight entry, more durability and ease of cleaning, superior protection from insect invasion and higher levels of safety against intruders. If you’re looking to install a security screen door on your home, then mesh is the best choice.