Has anyone appointed their own surveyor for their build?
Shame your in NSW we could both get together help a lot of people understanding their rights they dont have to go it alone.

Has anyone appointed their own surveyor for their build?
Standard contracts are a rubbish written in favour of builders. As of 24th April 2024 new changes are in forse which means all unfair contract clauses must be removed from…

Suing builder after failed negotiations at CBS?
you need specialist legal advice. Its unlikely you will get this at a free service level. You were just advised about a false economy of representing yourself. This is only…

Suing builder after failed negotiations at CBS?
Free advice is worth what you pay, nothing.
The difference between professional advice and free advice is likely to be success / failure.
Don’t forget you will still have to pay for…

Builder refusing to negotiate contract
Couldn't agree more.
My two massive red flags for me would be:
1. No independent inspection
2. Not being able to come to site and inspect the work myself.
If am paying for the…

Suing builder after failed negotiations at CBS?
Thank you for the advice
I am taking help from free legal services SA, they will be assisting me with filing the specifics