Please help
Hi Jo,
Would be great to grab the details still from you, be awesome

Please help
Thankyou for all the replies. Apologise for not logging on for awhile. It has been hetic with the other rooms and working 7 days a week.
Unfortunately we STILL havent…

Carpet Court Trouble
Thank you
I love the new cabinets. They were actually organised through my partners cousins business, maxi cabinets in victoria, they flat packed the cupboards and…

Please help
Yay, Finally after nearly 2 years of having a kitchen with Bright Orange Lino and Pink and Cream Cupboards, we finally had the New Kitchen Installed last Saturday.
So excited from…

Carpet Court Trouble
More of kitchen and Flooring
One happy chappy now

Carpet Court Trouble
Before shot of the old kitchen and wrong flooring
New Kitchen and Flooring replaced
Makes it look so much warmer in there now
BTW, First time I used…

Getting rid of mosquitos
I had little pot plants near the back door. One with Thyme, One Basil and can't remember the last one...
Anyhoo, that really helped on the mossies, plus when I was…

Where do you get your inspiration?
I live in SA and My brother is over in Perth, he showed me around to what the difference in homes over there and got my inspiration from WA home…

Tile, wood laminate or vinyl planks
Good Luck with the vinyl plank colours, would be great to see the finished product. I have a rental which i lived in it for 7 years with Laminate flooring.…

Our DIY Dream Renovation
I have been following your blog for the past year and got to say, "love, love, love it all!"

Floating floors or Tiles: Which is cheaper?
I had that brand of tarkett Flame Jarrah installed into a new home. Was living in the place for 6 - 7 years with no problem with the flooring (Especially…

Leaking Bathroom, Mould Growing, I need assistance
Good Afternoon all,
Got a bit of a story but really need some help.....
7 Yrs ago, built a home and lived in it for 6years years before moving in with my…

Carpet Court Trouble
Wahoo, guess What?
The lovely Case Manager who had been helping me out at Consumer Affairs had called saying Carpet Court had returned her mail, wouldn't respond to her emails so…

Carpet Court Laminate
Thanks Becka I will, the trouble I have is the floors don't go with anything, just painted the house , new furniture, going to keep fighting to get what I…

Carpet Court Trouble
So this happened to you too? How did you deal with it? I'll hopefully get to speak to my case manager from consumer affairs on monday, but I then found…

Carpet Court Trouble
Hi guys I'm new to this forum (well I have been reading these posts for years but never logged on) and need some help.
I had one of the staff…

Carpet Court Laminate
Oh, I am having the same problem via the Gepps cross Store. I ask for Natural Varnish Oak and they installed Natural oak in Riveria Brand, Now they are not…