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197 Posts
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Joined 6 April 2010
Bronze Member
14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Hey Wrexter!!
Ask for the engineers report on the roof tiles....we did :)

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Hi guys!! Sorry haven't been on here for ages!!! Yes the blinds are in and we are really happy with them plus the amount of money we saved.
Going through the…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Wrexter I will take some photos on the weekend and get you all the details. the lady over the road from us just ordered her blinds custom made rollers for…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Just a quick one......the blinds I got online are great! I haven't got photos yet but they all worked out perfectly even with my measuring!
Wrexter-your house is looking sensational....stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

I think all overheads should be the same colour but that's just me

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Blood tradies!!! ha ha!
We got all our side access paved the other week and the company decided to leave all their rubbish bricks, lunch wrappers and pallets on our CLEAN…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

I spoke with the blind company yesterday and they should disptach tomorrow! HOORAY!
We have 13 blinds...HEAPS....and the freight was only $35! I wil be sure to post photos....fingers crossed…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

And Tinkster the same....super A mart for the couch. We watched a movie on it last night.....awesome!!!
Thanks everyone for the comments.....we are really happy with everything ::lol::

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Thanks Pattcake
The walls are dulux sandy day....not sure about glass splashback will look at home for you and let you know

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

he he he! Now that is a bargain!!! Not the back part though :)

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Hi guys
Well we had the truck last Wednesday and have been working our little butts off ever since to get everything sorted.
Here are some photos for you....I'm exhausted but so…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

I had a greta company do our soakwells plus the pvc pipe under the driveway for retic and run the pipe down to the back of our house for retic…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
BCJ - Baldivis, WA. Impressions. BRICKWORK! (Many Photos!)

Hey BCJ!
We have started moving into our place and yes it is 1.6 metre wide....sorry pregnant brain didn't explain that very well.
Yesterday when we were both in the kitchen unpacking…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Oh good stuff Sheznay!! They are really helpful too. I orderd a heap of samples and sent back the ones I didn't like.
Yep we had a ball park figure from…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Hi Wrexter
Just an update on the lights for you. My man helped out his sparky on Saturday and they managed to install 50 down lights plus an IXL tastic!!
They worked…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Not a very good photo but you get te drift...down lights and birds nest pendant

I LOVE IT! :z:

The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!
14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Looing fabulous! I love your kitchen and the feature bulk head :)

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Hi Sheznay I used an online company called Iseek blinds. They are great! Sme fabrics as spotlight and half the price and Spotlight told me a 6 week wait on…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Ordered the blinds.....wow it really hurt my head but the whole house done and hopefully done and received within 10 days!!!

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
Sheznay's Build w Life$tyle- MOVED IN!

Oh man!!! I went through that too Sheznay...he ended up winning

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
Sheznay's Build w Life$tyle- MOVED IN!

I love the Luxxe! Well obviously as I am building one and if I had my way that flooring in the display is spectacular and looks slightly different and has…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Oh Shucks BCJ! Thank you ::lol::
The alfresco and rear of the Luxxe is why we fell in love with the house. We love entertaining,…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Agreed Wrexter!! Cornice not neeeded. I think they get cornice happy sometimes
Yep we are putting down lights all in the kitchen....I do like pendants but other half wasn't keen
Now Duke…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

Hey Wrexter
It is some Berger fancy product we got from Bunnings. Two coats and you can actual make it several colours.
A lot of the paving paint is only available in…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Thank guys
Yep Wrexter it is from Beacon.....with downlights everywhere else I wanted something special and different above the dining table just before the raking ceiling.
Hopefully they put it up on…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
BCJ - Baldivis, WA. Impressions. BRICKWORK! (Many Photos!)

Good old Baldivis! Your house is going to be superb and the rooms sizes are fantastic! Your bedroom jeepers!
You will love the space in your kitchen. We have roughly…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

ha ha ha ha! Yep pendants....up there with planking in the world of new lingo being used.
I have never really used lanolin spray Duke....you rate it?
This is my pendant (sorry…

WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!
14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
The Luxxe -WE ARE IN!!!! Photos!!

OK so the painters were finished in 4 days- the tiler then started and finished today so in 9 days they were both finished!!
The carpets go in Friday and then…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Hi Wrexter
We have a mate doing ours so I will judge according to swear words and beers consumed as to how it all goes. I'm hoping we will get the…

14 years14 yearsAmesDAmesD posted:
WREXTER's BUILD (WA) - Instaling Skirting!

Hi ya
We haven't installed the pillar lights yet....this coming weeked is the lighting extravaganza!!!
This is the link
https://www.lightingillusions.com.au/sh ... 675-hv1046
We installed 413's everywhere for the down lights....so…

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