Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey Sam... you'll probably notice a clause on your plan somewhere that the adjoining lots are vacant at the time of PD's survey of your lot. As we have found…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hmmm Hume Council should be teaching Juddy to handball methinks.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Umm yep... doesn't help having the street spelled in conflicting ways either. Will they put Vedro or Verrderrdroo on Maps?
Anybody who is wondering…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey guys one thing I can say is be prepared for frustration. 99.9% of delivery guys can't find the place... The standard question they'll ask you is... I'm on the…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey Philo...yep we're on a slope rear to front of about 1.6m. Post handover involved a lot of expense getting rear retaining walls and finishing off the right side correctly.…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey all thought I'd better post to prove I'm still alive. ... Good to see a few new posters taking up the baton for…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey hang tight ES. That first month will drive you crazy having tradies coming back to fix their stuffups. I think I'm emailing Henley once or twice a week ATM.…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Yeah.. I'm beginning to think the actual building of the house is the easy part ES. Post handover is where all the headaches begin. I'd get on dodo's back. I've…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Not entirely ES... Unfortunately we Vedroians are on a hill (Hint: never buy a sloping block ). We've got a few issues to tend…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
I think I know who that is too ES. Said contractor told me he had another appointment in Saint Rd.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Sorry Sam... been snowed under with work and answering the phone for lost couriers or doorbell or just waiting for tradies that don't show up.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey that's awesome ES... don't get too stressed we've been there two weeks and are only "just" starting to get settled now. It gets easier every day.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey ES saw the van. Are you guys in? Had the same problem. I insisted we were live. Tell them to check the coverage map that NBN co provides. …

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Maybe we could take a cleaver to them?

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Yeah they are highly filthy Sam... I got sick of picking up coffee cups after we moved in. Sometimes I'd like to get their respective addresses and dump the mess…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey sam.. The theft is common. We had our vegie sprayer/tap lifted 3 days before we moved in. I've heard other stories too good to…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
d4mmo... that's good news. I'll keep my eye out for the Metricon tradies.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey ES... congrats. We'll be seeing you soon !! We need some people it's a bit quiet up here. Just us and the K's…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Word of advice ES... don't buy the furniture that requires Mr. Emptyspace to don an allen key and remove copious amounts of styrofoam and cardboard boxes.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey sam.. sorry just saw the feb part! Bummer alright. It will come around quick though

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey guys... still alive here. Sorry for the lack of activity.Move has gone really well and we're loving our new place !! …

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Oh how kind of them... I wonder if they're talking about the shopping centre though?

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Just in time for Christmas drinks... awesome !! Look forward to finally meeting.
I was just saying to Mrs. AB it was exactly 12…

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey Sam... good to hear you're down in Melb now. I'm sure we will run into you sooner rather than later.
Saw your house…

We are building our first home Amalfi 528 - Mainvue!!
Oh wow... It's looking magnificent ES !! I'm amazed how well they've moved you along. Handover awaits!

Building in Aston Craigieburn
I'm sure we can find plenty of nice rocks to use as stepping stones for the interim.

Building in Aston Craigieburn
Hey congrats Sam... sounds like a post sale celebration is order. Do they still sell Darwin Stubbies up there?
Saw your house today and…