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Joined 9 April 2017
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Wow we’ve been in our new house for nearly a year and still loving it.
Inside is comfortable but we are still adding touches here and there.
Landscaping is another…

6 years6 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Wow I haven’t been on here in so long. It’s great to see people’s houses progressing.
Maintenance went well. Just about everything on our list was sorted. Yay.
Landscaping is…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Oh Rachael how awful for you all.
There are some miserable scum bags in the world.
I feel for you all, what a horrible thing to experience )o:
Hopefully with time…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Maintenance time. Our maintenance inspection is book. Not looking forward to more trade appts etc but will be nice to hopefully get the things that are bugging us…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Hi Rachael
Hope you guys are a bit more settled in by now. It's such a crazy process. I can't help laughing at some of the similarities we've had,…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
Building Simonds Express - Westbury Premium - East Estate

How did maintenance go?
We just got our reminder. We have a decent list for ours. I know some of the points won't be address but have put them…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Time is certainly flying past lately.
I thought I'd posted an update about the heater, hmmmm. So the heater guys came and spent maybe an hour trying to figure out…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Ohhhh it looks fantastic. Love the flooring, and the shutters and the sheers.
So happy for you to finally be moving in.

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Ohhhhhhh I’m so happy for you. This is great news. Very happy you don’t have to go with plan b. 😃😃😃😃😃
The house looks fantastic. Yayyyyy

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

We survived winter in the old house and the rental thanks to electric blankets. Summer in the rental was awful. No airflow. Only an aircon in the kitchen that didn’t…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Yep that was us in our old house and the rental. Thank goodness for electric blankets.
The insulation in the new house is awesome but now that we are getting…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Thanks Lenz
We tossed out all our elec blankets (old house only had heat in lounge) when we moved in to the new house.
Regretting that at the moment. 😟

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

As the temp has dropped at night here in Melb we’ve realised the zoning on our gas ducted heater doesn’t seem to be working. It’s fantastic in the main areas…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Yay finally the gas meter. Stupid bloody things. So much trouble to get them installed. It's ridiculous.
OMG that is so cute.
As we were moving in…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
Building Simonds Express - Westbury Premium - East Estate

Hi, long time. How are things going?
When do you guys have your maintenance? We're getting a big of a list as we notice things.

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Time seems to be flying by at the moment, but still so much to do.
Our back and side fences were done last week. yay. They ended up the same colour…

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7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

WHAT?!?! Are they kidding?!?! OMG that is ridiculous.

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
Building Simonds Express - Westbury Premium - East Estate

It’s looking fantastic. Well done
We’ve gone the other way round, lol. We’ve been working on the inside and the garage. Mainly because we still need to get the back…

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7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

I don't know what is going on but they are having major issues installling gas lines. SS was telling us that he's heard where houses on opposite sides of…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Rachael, what's happening? Do you have a gas meter? Hope things are going ok.

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Wow I haven't been on here for a while. So strange after being on so often during the build.
Life has been so busy. Between trying to unpack and…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Hi. I was wondering how you were going? How's your build?
I'll PM you the details.

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7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

No problem. I don't know the actual size but it's more than 2 cars wide, includes the front porch and path and also goes around the side of the…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Hi MyFirst
We went through our telco and they booked NBN to come out. Yes it's in the garage.
We are still having a glitch but that is a house issue…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

The driveway is done. And I think it looks pretty great. Will put a pic on here. We went with a dark exposed aggregate. We went and checked out some…

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7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

Lots of people recommend it.
We did for the first couple of stages but then didn’t worry. Do kind of wish we had gotten them to do a practical completion…

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Concrete was poured for the driveway today. Tomorrow they'll do the exposing the aggregate and sealing. Looking good so far.
SS send the insulation guy round. He spent…

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7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR Henley Reserve (MainVue)- Aegean 38

Hey Rachael, how did the NHP go?

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
Taking the plunge building Simonds Rio

It's looking great so far. Are you using a private inspector on any stages?

7 years7 yearsBri1234Bri1234 posted:
KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement! WE ARE IN!!!

Howdy all
Will make this a quick update for the moment because I'm still using my mobile hotspot.
We're getting there with this moving stuff but I'm over it, lol. My to…

KDR - SE Melb - Simonds Flinders - Settlement!  WE ARE IN!!!
  ⋅  3
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