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Captain Morgan
142 Posts
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Captain Morgan

South Australia
Joined 16 July 2008
Senior Member
12 years12 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

Ive git the perfect solution. I will use those sandbags to hold down all the rubbush littering other peoples minni skips.

12 years12 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

A tavern and shops would be wonderful. It would help deliver a better return for everyone's investment in building in this estate.
Lets be honest, its not a terribly appealing…

12 years12 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

That doesnt make sense, the council doesnt need their permission...i think the absence of the rest if the estate is holding thst up.... Not as mant houses= not as msny…

12 years12 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

I must admit it looks quite small when I first saw it, but hopefully its just the start. I also see there is some mulch going in around some of…

12 years12 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

Anyone get involved in the petition for the council to clean up the area ? One kid was coming around door knocking on her parents behalf the other week. Wonder…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Planting trees near house

Hmm.all this talk is interesting. I would love to take a photo and see what you guys think but it's absolutely bucketing down with rain right now In Adelaide....maybe…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

Great news on the shopping centre. Wonder if they will folow through with the pub as well... Does that mean the rest of stage 6 will get a move Along…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Alfresco Kitchens

Was looking at some of this stuff today. Why are outdoor BBQ ramgehoods so expensive , what can't I use a cheap euro 900mm rangehood for 500 bucks instead of…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Polished Concrete Outside

Not entirely true . Depends on the grit. We had exposed aggregate on our new backyard 12 months ago. Sadly it was overly over exposed and is too shard to…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Comparing Lawn contract choices

thanks guys.
lawn is front yard and will get a bit of walking on but nothing terribly hard wearing.

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Comparing Lawn contract choices

I have two quotes for the laying of turf in my front yard. Both within about $100 of each other, so i need to work out what will be better…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Jessica SA! After 2 long years....... We have fences :)

That rock wall is riddiculous how it isnt parallel / directly on the boundary. having it offset like that just creates dead space that neither party can use. I…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Planting trees near house

Thanks to all those who replied.
We ended up going to a different local nursery and asked similar questions and got what we beleive to be a reasonable answer. Apparently the…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
plant ID pls...

A plastic bagged variant about 5 -6 feet tall was about $45 I think.
Depends what state your in I guess. If you get in now once their leaves have…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
plant ID pls...

Oh I thing it might be acer "capital" pear. Don't let the image fool you, they were the same colour when I saw them today in the local nursery... Either…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Planting trees near house

Howdy all. Bought an "autumn blaze" maple today and want to know if planting 4 -4.5 meters will be enough distance between the tree and my house ?
It will…

13 years13 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Empire zoysia i'n Sa ?

Howdy all,
I'm aware of the good feedback empire zoysia gets i'n eastern states and i'n WA, but I rang a place here i'n Adelaide to get some for my…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

sorry, I didnt answer your question properly - setbacks are definately from the property boundary. ie from the white peg markers - NOT the road.
lilac not connected yet, the directional…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

Got the oscar flyer this morning, I walk the dog occasionally at night, he has a good eye for spotting cats, so I will look out for you. Try near…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

I head on the grapevine that the reason that why no toher blocks are being sold is that if they went ahead with stage 6 then the ponds near where…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Jessica SA! After 2 long years....... We have fences :)

moss rocks ended up being more expensive than cement sleepers ?
wow, I was going to try and get some quotes on kapunda blue stone, methinks that will be even more…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Building at Golden Grove - The Settlement

Hopefully something will be done.... im on hallet road backing onto where stage 6 is supposed to go. Its not as if they dont have buyers out there....unless they want…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
modified wild orchid / dechellis / SA-lights,curtains&garden

ahh, stage 3. I was hoping to get one there but missed out.
re: path over property - I know that feeling, I have just discovered that my neighbours slab extends…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

Update to this:
sought a secondary retaining wall builders advice..... summary of proceedings:
- discovered that their tilt-slab actually encroaches up to 20cm over the boundary (on my side).
- currently sending a…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

Hello there everyone, hope this helps clarify things. The bit in bright green is what I need to retain:
I guess I really need to know if its something that can…

retain this !
14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
Jessica SA! After 2 long years....... We have fences :)

We will need to do the same, just wondering where people can get the square slate rocks from in SA. Any ideas from those in the settlement ?
Yes Garden Grove…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

Thanks everyone for the advice on this. I will draw up a brief cross-sectional drawing of the situation that will help out.
Unfortunately my work wont let me access photo bucket…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

my understanding is that there would be a gap between the poured concrete wall and the neighbours brick wall.

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

thanks for the advice guys.
I had a quote from a retaining wall builder who seemed to suggest that he would dig out some spacing by hand, put 2 coats of…

14 years14 yearsCaptain MorganCaptain Morgan posted:
retain this !

thanks guys.
Its actually 900mm between his garage wall and my garage, so it is close, but not that close :)
His 600mm cut was retained…

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