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Joined 17 September 2010
Junior Member
13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

How's your house coming along Sherryn? Still on track? Ours is almost finished, very ahead of schedule! What stage are you up to now? Hope you're happy with the progress!

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

How is everyone's builds and houses going with all this rain we've had last few months? We have a moat around the front of our house!

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Thanks Buildingwest, I've tried that, twice, heard nothing back.

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Does anyone know how to change (update) your email address that you use for this forum??? I'm having awful trouble and they don't contact you if you email them! And…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hi Sherryn,
We are using Austral Hawthorn bricks. Although they are not as dark a batch as we would have liked, it still looks nice :-)
The house…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hi Del, looked up the Cambridge, looks nice! Hope it all goes well with DFH :)
Claire and Greg, will definitely drop in next time we are…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

YAY!!! We have a site cut!!! Yay! Been a long time coming! Bigger cut than we were hoping, but at this stage, just glad that they've finally started!
Nezza how are…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hi Everyone,
Hope all builds are going well with the sunshine (man it was windy today!) and everyone who is in, is enjoying their new house. We have no news to…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Everyone,
Hope everyone is going well with their builds! We have developer approval, soil tests done, trees down, so it's full steam ahead!
Hopefully builder onsite to start early Jan.…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

818- yes, our plans also being submitted at the moment. They say probably a month too. Hopefully it doesn't come back with problems that cause more delays! But even still,…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Trees are down!!! Finally we can get a move on :-)
Hey 818, we are getting soil tests next week, had to wait for trees to…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

SRAC, that's so frustrating!!! We never got an arborist report and never needed one! Which saved us $500! We though initially we had to get one but then checking with…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Danni, ours is the block at the bottom of the reserve diagonally opposite. With trees on it, at the moment anyway.
Your house is looking great! Must be excited its…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Lights are on in stage 8 & 11!!!
SRAC - We put our tree permit in 16th Sept and approval was dated 12th October in the letter. Received letter on…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Yay! Tree removal permit received yesterday!!! :-)

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Yes, delays everywhere! Told over the phone by the Council tree permit has been done & approved & paperwork would be received 10-11th Oct...still waiting. Done all our quotes, quite…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Nezza,
Noticed today that you have taps out the front of your block! Progress :-) We don't have taps.
Did you organise this or did the…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Nezza,
I haven't been on the forum for a week or two. So I presume you have your house number by now?
Ours is 41, yours is 68.
Yes, I…

13 years13 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Congrats Shane!!! Very exciting :-)

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Yay!!! Settlement! We now officially own the beautiful block of dirt :-)
Still waiting on tree removal permit, but at least settlement is done!
Housemouse I see…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Fences are down! Fences are down! Fences are down!!!! Yes, excited easily at the moment :-) Go stage 8!!! Some have settled already, ours is this…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Nat, there was a kangaroo out the front of your house tonight!!!!! No joke! Got a bit of a fright driving up the road and there's this big kangaroo bounding…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Can anyone who is already living in the estate, please tell me if you get a bill for recycled water, is it billed separately from Yarra Valley Water and is…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

6.30pm Sunday 11th Sept. Brown Huskie dog with no collar, roaming the estate. Around The Range Boulevard between the two roundabouts and near wetlands out front... Hope owner finds him…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Housemouse, do you mind me asking, do you have any render/facade for your street side of your house? We are being told we "have" to have it as corner treatment.…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Yes, titles and everything VERY exciting, however our builder reckons 8-12 weeks from settlement before they are onsite :( Plus we have some stupid trees to…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Nezza, yes, very exciting about the roads! Have been there on each of the three days to see each layer done and finished. Looks so great now, makes a…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hi all,
So cold and so much rain! Hope work is still progressing! SRAC and Anirin, yes, September sounds right.
Spoke to a guy on site the other day and asphalt…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Everyone,
Lots of works happening today at The Range.
Eskay, there was at least 6 blokes working on your place out the front today, looking good!!!
Danni & Nat, your houses…

14 years14 yearscatlovercatlover posted:
The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?

Hey Danni,
We have to reselect new bricks ASAP! Everything else is done except prelim developer approval.
Which our builder has not been able to do for us

Joined homeone
17 September 2010

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