Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
Wooohooo congratulations asj!!!!!! We've only just got Internet here so I've been offline for a bit, fantastic news that you and wfry have keys. We all finally made it!!!!!!!

Trinity Alkimos WA - Siteworks Cost?
We have just moved into our house in trinity, our site works were roughly $8,000 and we chose to do the soakwells ourselves, they wanted $3,000 and doing…

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
Yeah Charlie we haven't had the best run of luck with these builds! Considering our slab went down in June!!! Still we are at the end now thank goodness, we…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Asj - I haven't been up to look, too stressful, I know the paver is going up to fix the paving pattern tomorrow cause SS gave us his number…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
asj - it sux that ours is just about done and you still have a bit to go, even though there isn't actually any difference with our builds. Is it…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Well spoke to CLO today and they've moved our handover inspection to tuesday 4th at 10am, they then clean the house and we can pick the keys up at 1.30pm,…

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
That's a hard one, we had a great tiler through redink but you just don't know, you don't want then to stuff it up. Out a/c control…

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
Our slab went down beginning of june and handover is start of Feb, so we are at 8 months too. What annoyed me was our SS said at our…

Trinity build - land scaping
Hahaha I tried to squeeze hubby through our awning window!!!! I was so annoyed he didn't fir!!!!

REDINK Build - NOR - Key Handover 3rd Oct!!!
I agree with ads, try not to compare your timeline, it's hard tho!

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Thanks bs12, unfortunately we had a few delays also, bricklayer and sooo much rain! You will become great at talking yourself into being calm and patient!!! It's still a…

REDINK Build - NOR - Key Handover 3rd Oct!!!
Woohoo is a step further!! So what's next? council approval? That'll only take a few weeks max, then to scheduling? I was talking to our site supervisor yesterday and…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
wfry - we just said we were not happy with the gap between the brickwork and the ceiling in the garage, so SS said he'd put in the sconsing (aagghh…

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
What????? why? it's so bloody annoying that this close to finishing they seem to take forever, surely they should be pushing hard to get it done. Have you go a…

First home, first build. Redink Homes NOR
Yay!! excellent news wfry, not long now!!!

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
I see what you mean about the paint job, eeeek! Apart from that it does look smart tho. Seriously I couldn't see a problem in the first place but if…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
A pic would be great kat, thanks! I didn't think there was a problem but hubby didn't like there is a small gap between the ceiling and…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
I can't get into the host to take any they've painted the front door, it's now bright red so I'll get a pic of…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
PCI went ok, love our SS, he is great. There are a few things for them to do:
* forgot to put the sliding door on the ensuite (how did they…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Hi, I have been lurking around the forum for a while now, gathering info from everyone. Thought I should start our building blog as things are moving along.
Myself and…

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Apparently the carpet went down yesterday so then it's just the painting to be finished off, they haven't done the portico or front door yet!! Oh yeah and as of…

First home, first build. Redink Homes NOR
sounds about right! Have you emailed your CLO to see if they can give you a date? We were told almost 2 weeks before our PCI

Redink Trinity, Handover 5th Feb!
Asj - they just pushed the giprock back together and bogged it up with the stuff for filling holes in walls, it looks totally crap, stands out like dogs balls!!!!…

First build with Redink Homes- We have keys :-)
I agree with asj, the communication is still great, but you need to ask, nothing is volunteered!!

First home, first build. Redink Homes NOR
Great news wfry! It's nice to finally be able to see the finish line.

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
Nice work asj! Glad you had some progress, surely not far away now??? Wish ours was going as smoothly, nothing seems to have happened today at our place. Kinda just…

Redink SOR rear build - screen doors?
We went up tonight and the back door was open so we had a good stick beak. Some of the plastering is bloody awful, really uneven with gouges out of…