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Joined 25 August 2013
Silver Member
10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Thanks guys. It's done now and I have a few more pictures to upload later. We've finally finished "3 month" maintenance too (some 6 months after we moved in). Although,…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Some progress pics of the pergola. It's going up very slowly due to the rain, but it's getting there

Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping
10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Ok, so here's a bit of an update. Mr Charlston & I have been painting like crazy to get the wooden beams done for our pergola. Painting in cold &…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Thanks TW! :D

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Sadly no, Boosta. It's kikuyu which was far from our first choice. But there was kikuyu front and back when we bought the house, and it's in both neighbouring properties.…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Your mind is occupied with so many things Tribe! It's fair enough!
Here is a pic of the facade now that the grass has been laid. Pics of pendants to come…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Hi Richards, we sourced our pavers from 2 different places. The driveway pavers we got from Newtons landscaping. The larger textured pavers we got from apc. Both places had specials…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

This is what I meant Tribe.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping
10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

They do seem dusty all the time, but the carpets also seem to shed w bit, as well as the new rug in the playroom. Combined with our labrador, kids,…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

They do seem dusty all the time, but the carpets also seem to shed a bit, as well as the new rug in the playroom. Combined with our labrador, kids,…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide

Looking great TomCat! Good choice with the garage door. It doesn't matter how many times you take to get it right, as long as you get there in the end…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Thanks TomCat. I love our back lawn, bring on spring so we can use it more!
Thanks Tribe. Yup, the kids have settled into the playroom now. Yup the littlest a…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

Oh my! Look at your build go!! It looks wonderful. Your kitchen is going to be a-mazing!! Hope cabinetry happens soon

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

We've been slack with updates lately sorry. We're plugging away slowly at our big 'to do' list. We've done the loam and rolled out lawn in the front and backyards…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Hi Richards,
We had scratches in the windows and the frames. The windows they agreed to replace, and large scratches in the rear stacker door they had to replace (this was…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Custom Build NSW, tiles starting this week

Look at you go! You're tradies are certainly getting the job done! Yay for you! Its really exciting to see your place coming together

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide

Hey TC COngrats on the frame! Thats so exciting, now you can really get a feel for home your home will be when its done. Yay! Are you having…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Metricon Phoenix Adelaide - landscaping

Wow! Its all looking wonderful Shambini. I still love your staircase, its gorgeous! Thanks for sharing all the pics

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

That's why I shouldn't read h1 on my phone, I missed that you were quoting Monalisa. Good luck with the communication Monalisa!

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

I know, what a lovely suprise TW & Yvonneh.

Yes we were quite impressed with that offer from our SS, that's good old fashioned service!
We have gone heritage green tank,…

Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping
10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Custom Build NSW, tiles starting this week

:D Going well thanks TW. We have heating now, so I'm very happy! :D
It'll be your turn…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide

Oh TC that's terrible. I cannot believe what some people do. I hope the fencing goes up quickly, and keeps the ferals out. Unfortunately they go to any neighbourhood. Hopefully…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Custom Build NSW, tiles starting this week

Haha, much better pic now it's right side up! Look at your view!! Can't wait to see more pics! You are really off and running now!

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

How much difference does good communication make for just about anything?? And poor communication is just so infuriating because it is needless & frustrating. I wish we'd had better communication…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

:DThanks TW, FairmontSA & Tribe!
Fairmont SA - I love all the fruit trees you have already put in or are planning. Ballerina apples are fabulous!…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Have you done much in the garden Fairmont, or is it mostly just grass?
Yeah I'm hoping mine will settle in to the house more and more. In the meantime,…

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide

I just read your first page, I didn't realise you'd signed with McCracken before they folded. Gosh, that must have been stressful and awful.

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide

You're slab looks great! It would make a great dance floor!!!

10 years10 yearsCharlston01Charlston01 posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Thanks TC!! I'm a very happy with the result, partly because it means less mud coming inside!
Haha, you went to target to buy black gumboots and came away with…

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