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Clare Jay
16 Posts
Clare Jay
16 Posts
Junior Member

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Clare Jay

Joined 17 May 2020
Junior Member
4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Falsified documents applied at the Council - answer to Luxbu

The system here on Homeone seems to block more than 3 comments by one person to another - hence new thread.
So you are making up new questions - read the…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Document substitution at Local Government/Council level

I wanted to reply on the original thread - in answer to a question put to me. It would not let me post this reply as it said one can…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Document substitution at Local Government/Council level

As for how I didn't know - no one told me they were substituting falsified documents for the Footings and sub structure, - obviously. ....I guess if someone is going…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Falsified documents applied at the Council - answer to Luxbu

As for how I didn't know - no one told me they were substituting falsified documents for the Footings and sub structure, - obviously. ....I guess if someone is going…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Signing Builder Contract before DA Approval

Hi again,
The construction has the floor ,roof, walls windows, indoor walls....and it's a knock down job. It is pathetic how everyone here in South Australia is looking the other way…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

Thanks Chippy, I have tried that - the media here in South Australia seem to 'play the game' too - sadly. They report on useless trivial matters yet seem to…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

As already stated, the Council, in their role of 'Relevant Authority' took in falsified Engineering documents (not 'updated' Engineering documents as you call them ....that's neat spin applied by…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

Thanks for your advice, I seriously do appreciate your effort. - Sadly Local MPs both Liberal, Labor and Independent all seem to be playing the 'look the other way' /fob/ignore…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council approval - new shed

I recall reading a similar story to yours elsewhere and that person was allowed to rely on their Stratco Engineering report I think. I would ask around before spending any…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Signing Builder Contract before DA Approval

Hi Leeroy17,
I am glad you posted again as I could not reply to you on yesterday's post - apparently because there is a max of 3 comments permitted, - so…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Signing Builder Contract before DA Approval

I tried to send you a PM as you requested, however, the send button was blocked.....

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Signing Builder Contract before DA Approval

The Council say they have an 'amended Development Authorisation' , yet have never produced it (I doubt very much it exists) and they are refusing to communicate. They terminate…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

I went to the Ombudsman's office with lots of information - they could see how bad it was and insisted I wait for someone else to come in to look…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

It's more than a serious accusation , it's what has happened! .....It seems there is no 'Authorisation' for the falsified Engineering plans - with my proper Development Authorisation basically being…

4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Council substituting falsified documents for new build

Has anyone had the horrific experience of their Council substituting falsified documents to their new home construction without their knowledge?
I used an Architect to organise a major extension for my…

Council substituting falsified documents for new build
4 years4 yearsClare JayClare Jay posted:
Signing Builder Contract before DA Approval

Absolutely Do NOT sign a building contract before you have full Development Authorisation from your Council. Without it you cannot build......Yet you would be beholden to clauses in the…

Joined homeone
17 May 2020

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