4PostsMost Active Topics
11 years11 years
constructor1234 posted:
Recent kitchen makeover - Essa Stone has a chip! :-(

Recent kitchen makeover - Essa Stone has a chip! :-(
out of curiosity how much is a repair job on a small chip???
11 years11 years
constructor1234 posted:
the good the bad and the downright ugly

the good the bad and the downright ugly
I have had dealings with the bcra and to be honest it is full of a lot of damaged souls. They really do have their heart in the right place…
11 years11 years
constructor1234 posted:
Rinnai infinite 60deg questions

Rinnai infinite 60deg questions
if you haven't bought the unit yet have a look at the enviro. Have had one running for nearly 3 years now and have saved a bucket load of $$$$$…
11 years11 years
constructor1234 posted:
the good the bad and the downright ugly

the good the bad and the downright ugly
I am tentatively starting this thread and will make every effort to comply with both the TOS and the general nature of homeone. I have been absent from the forums…
Joined homeone
17 June 2014