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28 Posts
Junior Member

28PostsMost Active Topics


Ballarat VIC
Joined 12 September 2008
Junior Member
3 years3 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Carlisle Tricks

We have seen the recent correspondence from Carlisle stopping private inspections of their builds during the current outbreak. In the last lock down, unlike others Darbecca stopped doing inspections until…

3 years3 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Metricon Liberty 42 vs Carlisle Homes Granada Retreat 45

Sorry to hear that you had such a rough time with them. If we can help, let me know. And I agree. There are better builders out there. However there…

4 years4 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Metricon Liberty 42 vs Carlisle Homes Granada Retreat 45

Metricon every time.
Read the contract before you sign with Carlisle.

4 years4 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Which Builder

I would love to get Sydney up and running.
I will be hosting a stand at the Franchising expo in Sydney. I'll be looking for a master franchisor and then franchisees…

5 years5 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:

Dear all,
It is my advice that you ask any builder to fully declare in writing any special conditions to your contract before you hand over any hard earned money or…

  ⋅  3
9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Building with Mimosa Homes in Melbourne West - Johanna 240

Why would you take their word for it. I have stated this in the public forum of this media. I do not and neither does Darbecca work with Mimosa.
Nice and…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Building with Mimosa Homes in Melbourne West - Johanna 240

Dear All,
Please be advised that as the owner and operator I can clearly state that Darbecca Pty Ltd private building inspectors does not do any work for Mimosa homes or…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Building with Metricon

Dear All,
Please be aware that Long Island Homes have placed in their contract a clause that states:
The home owner is only allowed to use a Licensed Private Inspector.
There is no…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:

Dear All,
Please be aware that Long Island Homes have placed in their contract a clause that states:
The home owner is only allowed to use a Licensed Private Inspector.
There is no…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:

I would never build with a builder that demands that you choose one of his inspectors. You want your own that you choose. Ask him about that.....

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Long Island Homes

Dear All,
Please be aware that Long Island Homes have placed in their contract a clause that states:
The home owner is only allowed to use a Licensed Private Inspector.
There is no…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

In relation to Narrewarren01 comments, I would suggest that he explain the process.
Firstly I have University qualifications in Surveying.
There is only four persons that must be registered to build a…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Re: Henley Carmelle Lux Q2 - Post handover jobs continue

In relation to Narrewarren01 comments, I would suggest that he explain the process.
Firstly I have University qualifications in Surveying.
There is only four persons that must be registered to build a…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Henley Homes

For the record, The VBA has no registration process for private inspectors. Hence you need to choose wisely.
There are only four registrations mandated to build a house.
The builders.
The surveyors.
The plumbers.

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Henley Homes

For the record, The VBA has no registration process for private inspectors. Hence you need to choose wisely.
There are only four registrations mandated to build a house.
The builders.
The surveyors.
The plumbers.

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Henley Homes

Your are correct. In the State of Victoria the home owners are obliged to let the builder know that a private inspector has been engaged. This can be found in…

9 years9 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Henley Homes

Hi everybody. My Name is Darren and I own and operate Darbecca Pty Ltd. I have read through some of the comments on slab pre pours and would like to…

  ⋅  5
13 years13 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Recommendation on building inspectors for pre-handover (VIC)

Dear All,
I findd it dificult to understand how my competitor can be some simple minded in their abilities.
My qualifications are as follows:
I teach at Vic Uni in the advance building…

16 years16 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Building Inspectors from floorplans to handover

Dear all,
Thank you for your kind words. Doing this job is somewhat hard at times as the only people that show any thanks are the owners of the dwellings. The…

17 years17 yearsDarbeccaDarbecca posted:
Building Inspectors from floorplans to handover

Hi all. My name is Darren and I'm the owner of Darbecca P/L
If you are currently building a new home, I'm more than happy to assist with an independant…



QA building inspections

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