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213 Posts
Bronze Member

213PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 30 January 2015
Bronze Member
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Looks amazing Archetto. Nice how it all comes together in the end, you have done a great job.
Wish I could post the same pics of our house but at the…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

No we did not but I wish we did! You just dont expect such rubbish but ive seen my fair share of poor trades on this build.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Well this is how our shower was connected after the plumber dug the sand away. Nothing other than sand has been removed!!!!!!!
Lucky i noticed the leak before we concreted down…

Our BTH Build in Doubleview
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Plumber is out at our house now. We finally know why the shower leaks from under the slab.
Wait for it....
It has not been connected to the pipes. bwahahahahaha
What sort of…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Yes PerthGirl there is. The builders registration board is there to deal with disputes between a builder and a client when an agreement cannot be reached between the two parties.

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Even if it is "sorted" I am nervous as what are the long term issues.
It's just stuff that should not happen if decent trades were used and they took…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

So 3 weeks post keys and still so much to be done.
Can't use our shower downstairs as there is a leak under the slab and sand is washing out from…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Ben Trager Secret Harbour - Finally have Keys

Congrats and snap. Keys on the same day.
Busy weeks ahead.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

OMG. Incorrectly hung door and a floor that is so unlevel. What has BTH said about that? Surely that is not within tolerances. They must have to rectify that. Was…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Our guys installed the A/C today and I must say its perfect. Thanks Ford and Doonan Osborne Park. Grills, motor, everything aligned and in the correct spot. They even swept…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

He said that things would be fixed and the build will be of good quality.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Met with Ben onsite today after airing some concerns over quality on our build, good he could meet us onsite as we have not been happy. Still lots to be…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Waiting on Ben to get back to us on the state of our stairs, ceiling, render, electrics, and overall build in general. Let's just say we are not happy at…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Assume electrical work for the LED's. And some fitness cardio work on the stairs perhaps?

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

You have to love tradies don't you.
Our brand new Tassie oak stair treads laid on Friday are now all chipped and damaged on the front of them. Looks like some…

Our BTH Build in Doubleview
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

It's all to do with R-codes (distance from the boundary, habitable rooms etc) and if neighbours object or not.
You can always have windows but may have to apply translucent film…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Getting closer but still have a lot of plumbing and electrical to do.
Balustrades went in Friday but not sure how they can render now, may have to remove it first?…

Our BTH Build in Doubleview
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

You guys are smashing it out. Well done and it's looking great.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Congrats. Look forward to an update when you settle down.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Agree. Not helping StructuralBIMguy. We sign up to a builder to build us a house as we dont want to need to understand the intricate details.
I know i do…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Good luck Archetto. As you say its not how this should be and BTH need to realise they are letting so many people down. The same people who will review…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

They cladded the front pillars with ?cement boards to create a flat square finish so it could be rendered. Not overally happy about this but we were given no alternative.…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Wooden floors start on 14 Dec so they need to pull their finger out. Our trades arent budging as they need 1 week for install and xmas is around the…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Thanks Ronfire. Will check toilets once installed.
Our SS checked tops of doors for us.
Lots and lots to do but promised for 2 WEEKS. I am hoping this is…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Well I went to the house today expecting to have seen at least a fair bit done on our outstanding list prior to PCI tomorrow. All we had was an…

Our BTH Build in Doubleview
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

Thanks archetto and DandyDons. I dont think luck is what we need but I'll take anything that is offered.

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

We aren't having flyscreens installed so saving 2 weeks there alone.
Electrical not finished, painting not finished, kitchen not finished, tiling not finished, plumbers nowhere to be seen,…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our BTH Build in Doubleview

One day left until PCI. Yesterday we saw door handles put on and weather seals on 2 outside doors, we were expecting a little more action as the list is…

Our BTH Build in Doubleview
9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Ben Trager Secret Harbour - Finally have Keys

Thats a shame DandyDons. Paying so much and getting fans from decades ago isnt what you expect to see. We can relate as the sliding door we have came from…

9 years9 yearsDongsterDongster posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Looking fantastic archetto. Not long now.

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