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18 Posts
Junior Member

18PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 16 June 2007
Junior Member
1 month1 monthFoma2Foma2 posted:
Concrete slab next to the entrance into garage worn out

The house is 20 years old. Do I have to worry about worn out concrete slab next to the entrance into garage ?

6 months6 monthsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How do you clean gutters ?

Good suggestion but cannot be used in my case as facia and pergola are next to each other.

4 years4 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
Where can I buy a universal oven door seal for a gas oven ?

Hi everybody.
I just want to provide a long-awaited update on my issue.
I managed to buy a gas oven rubber seal for Franke DG96M from a store which is called…

5 years5 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How do you clean gutters ?

Thanks a lot for your input, everybody.
I'll try using a plastic spatula (cut to the size) and than a blower.

5 years5 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How do you clean gutters ?

Thank you but it looks like it is more suitable for blocked pipes rather than cleaning gutters from leaves.

5 years5 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How do you clean gutters ?

Thanks for your advice.
I already have plastic guards but leaves still make their way into the gutters.
So, I need to clean them anyway.

5 years5 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How do you clean gutters ?

I am just wondering how you clean your gutters ?
I have a very narrow gap above gutters between the house and pergola.
The gap is 2cm wide and I cannot remove…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to bend a short copper pipe - help me please

In the perfect world probably yes.
Unfortunately it is not the case for Oz.
Go to Bunnings, Mitre 10, Reece, and ask about bent copper T piece for a wshing basin -…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to bend a short copper pipe - help me please

Do not worry about left side - it is a different T piece which was actually damaged when I tried to use clamps - it was a wrong decision.
That's why…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to bend a short copper pipe - help me please

Hi everyone. I managed to get what I want with my own hands ... and a car jack handle.
I just pushed a centre of the T piece against the…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to bend a short copper pipe - help me please

Thanks for your response.
My concern is that there is a a T piece which is soldered to the copper pipe.
If I heat the copper, will I damage the soldering ?

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to bend a short copper pipe - help me please

Hi everyone.
I have a t-shaped half inch copper pipe.
I need to bend it a bit the way shown on my sketch.
Can you please let me know how I can…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
Any advise on a DIY guide on fixing crack in gyprock ceiling

Another thing I wanted to ask is if it is worth gluing a piece of gyprock above the crack ?
I know it won't add much strength to the panel but…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to get a water leak fixed by builder (under warranty)

Last week I had a chat with my friend's brother. He lives in Canada.
From what he said I can say that in Canada they have a much better consumer…

9 years9 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to get a water leak fixed by builder (under warranty)

Hi everyone. Just a quick update on what I've done more than a year ago.
As I said above I had to dig next to the high pressure pipe entrance point.

12 years12 yearsFoma2Foma2 posted:
How to get a water leak fixed by builder (under warranty)

Thanks for advise.

Joined homeone
16 June 2007

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