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Joined 2 August 2012
Gold Member
11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!

just saw your looking at the jasper, i love ours so comfy.
youll regret it if you dont get one! feel free to come check out mine, also got some other…

Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!
11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!

wow really come along quick, there is a DH on my new street would you believe it! cant get away from them, that one has been storming along too.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

still waiting on sofa/desks once there in ill try get some pictures after the repairs of course some of which start this week. wardrobes are in and a few more…

[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now
11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

i dont think air in pipes is a defect... :)
Also insurance claim came through on building works, still waiting on claim for carpets to come through,…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

yeah, have to wait for SGIC to approve it then they can start ripping up the floor, the carpet is ripped up already due to health concerns etc.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

plumbing in laundry wasnt working, i must of left tap on, during the night it started working :) pretty much imagine what happened from there.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

i flooded the house, so insurance job here we come, therefore no pictures until further notice, sorry :)

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Davs is done. We need some walking done so concrete is 25th

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Yup we just moved in few things to fix up but with lease running out we decided to have them fixed around us. Really disappointed about the flooring it is…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now


11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

I did get spanned two weeks later. :)

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Still on track for Friday, probally wont have ensuite basins.
Splashback/Oven goes in Thursday, final plumbing friday as well as gas meter.
Tomorrow is painters and hopefully tilers to finish up. Electricians…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

over the weekend the range hood was installed, hopefully either sparkys, splashback or cleaning happens today, its going to be a crazy week, hoping to move in on friday/saturday with…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!

Flying along looking good.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Absolutely craploads :).
Bit quiet this week mostly paint touch ups and a bit of cleaning the site. Still on schedule for next Friday mostly just sparky…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Here is todays progress, as scheduled DVD racks have gone in.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

thanks, we organised it ourselves, the guys a legend if anyone needs a tiler let me know

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

snuck in some tiling over the weekend, really happy how it turned out.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!

its Ok, itll go down hill when i move out in a few weeks, still yet to go for a nosey, been keeping a look out to catch you, hopefully…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Had my walkthru yesterday, went ok, brought up the major things, will look to have another catchup next friday, with handover on the 18th.
Plumbers have finished off they just have…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Not much to report, sparkys came back for a hour or so to drill out guide holes for downlights as well as some external stuff, a good full day of…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Another step closer today. all fly screens installed, protective plastic to flooring in main walkways and heat lamps, powerpoints and light switches installed. If the sparkys are there again tomorrow…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Yea i really like what we picked, thanks!.
All the info I have on it is: Carpet (Bed 2/3) Lasting Impressions SCO 845 Winter (Category 2 Upgrade).
We got the carpet/floors as…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

few more day time shots.

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Building in SA with Dech£llis Homes- HANDOVER PICS!!

sorry forgot to post earlier, the roofing guys were setting up the metal today

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

only 1/3 mirrors installed, must of been damage to the others. Mr Mia noticed a light that was damaged so hopefully i can swap it over at the store.
also got…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

Hi Lucinda,
Its looking like by October 18th at this stage, there are more and more things being finished off each day.
The carpet and hardwood flooring was getting under way early…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
[SA] Santorini 26 - Not Long Now

could not get inside today, but all the lights i had purchased have been installed, tried to get photos of most of them, shower screens are pretty much installed, the…

11 years11 yearsGristyGristy posted:
Fairmont Homes in Mallala, SA - Moved in pics

youll have the invoice before the concrete has even started to set dont worry about that! haha

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