Provisional costs
This is the reply I received:
We have provided you with an itemised statement of your provisional sum items in accordance with the requirement of the building contract and consistent with…

Provisional costs
Hi all,
Just a quick question.
I'm in WA and I'm wondering whether or not the builder is required to provide me with a copy of invoices to prove that…

Aveling Homes build at Champion Lakes
I know it's hard to believe, bit it's all go from here! Once those bricks start it's hard to keep up!
Keep positive!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Aveling build in Secret Harbour
Looks great
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

What do you think about this pipe?
I'm building the nautical with Aveling. Have a look at my thread. There's a lot I like about it, with the laundry set up and such.
My reason for asking…

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
6/10/12- Land Deposit
31/10/12- Signed PPC with Aveling Homes
15/01/13- Received Contracts
05/02/13- Pre Start
16/05/13- Land Titles Released
24/10/13- Slab
23/12/13- Bricks Commenced
10/01/14- Bricks Complete!
04/02/14- Roof Frame Started
17/02/14- Roof Frame Completed
20/03/14- Colorbond Completed
24/03/14- Grey Float…

Aveling build in Carramar - 6 month maintenance question
Same again
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

What do you think about this pipe?
Are you definitely after a 4 bedroom plan? Or would you consider 3?
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Building with Aveling in Byford - Study Nook Design
Congrats on lock up!
Looking really really good!
Those internal doors look awesome.
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Slab earthing
It depends on which state you live in.
The states building regulations over rule AS 3000 for any discrepancies.
I'm not sure about other states but there is no requirement…

Building with Aveling in Byford - Study Nook Design
Nearly on the home stretch!
Cabinets will be so exciting. All the colour choices really start to come together!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
I think if I had the time again, I'd change the internals to something else. There's already a lot of things I would do differently if I had the time…

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
Such a relief to have finally made this point. The finish line is now in sight! Its all becoming a little surreal.
Cabinets are lined up…

Electrical supply to my shed
I am an electrician, I'm well aware of what the standards are.
The OP stated the shed was 25m away from the house. I am assuming this isn't the switchboard.…

Aveling in Mandurah - anyone still out there?
Those gardens look like they've been there for years!
Well done on everything you've achieved.
It's well and truly now time to sit back and enjoy your beautiful home

Aveling build
I haven't seen it work before they get your money either!!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
White set was completed on Wednesday!
Site was cleaned today. All looking pretty good. Happy with the job the plasterers have done with the white set. From what I can…

Electrical supply to my shed
What if he decided to put in a tv? Or air conditioner? What if he took up wood work?
If you were going to spend money to do this correctly,…

Electrical supply to my shed
bpratt seems to be pretty well on the money.
I wouldn't run anything less than 6mm cable to the shed.
The size of the mains to the house and current…

Aveling Build - HappyTaurus :)
Sounds like you have progressed along nice and quickly!
So happy for you.
Can't wait to catch up on everything!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Aveling build near mandurah
I had quite delay from roof timbers to colorbond. But all seems to be moving quickly now.
I'm sure you'll find the same with yours!
My build:

Aveling build in Secret Harbour
Looking fantastic. Great speedy progress!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
Hey ardie!
I'm not using an inspector at this point. But I'm not ruling it out. Should anything else obvious arise, I'll definitely look into it.
Haha. I know. I probably…

Aveling-Harrisdale-White Set complete
Had a reply from CL today about my concerns.
I've been assured the downpipes will be corrected when the roof plumber returns and that these issues would have been picked…

Building with Aveling in Byford - Study Nook Design
Looking good!
Nice... Ah... Art work on the outside toilet too!
My build: viewtopic.php?t=62001