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Joined 27 February 2015
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9 years9 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Kelly & Troy's Home Group Bordeaux

Hey Belzey ... Stepping out if the shadows ... We've been at maintenance stage since July, the kitchen bench has taken three months, I've had missing floor tiles, chipped plaster,…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Oh Mal ... your house, it's so big and beautiful. Just spent some time going through the last few pages and seen the progress, wow! It's been a while since…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Agreed 100%, but unfortunately, I'm not surprised.
Sharry, keep your chin up.

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Home Group WA - WE ARE IN!

Natalie, we were able to change our stone and add waterfall ends. From memory though, it was while we were still in scheduling, hadn't gone to site. We had to…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

Looking good Wellard, that is one cracking kitchen.
I see you mentioned me in your post, it's a shame they mucked you about as much as they did but hey,…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Building is a roller coaster ride - you start off excited and keen as mustard, you have a million ideas, plans, hopes. You think your builder is better than sliced…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Looking good Sharry, he's doing really well. When we built 2 houses ago, we had a two man team laying bricks and they were done in 10 days. Best brick…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

We too looked at the Samsungs and they were on the list for a long time. However, what made us jump ship to the LG was the ice maker. For…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

I'll pipe up on the fridge debate - we got an LG French door (730L) simply because quite a few of the side by sides couldn't fit my lasagna dish…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Nah you didn't sound awful, you sounded like everyone else who is super excited to reach brick stage and wants things to speed up, simply because the admin stage has…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Summit build in the South West - THE dining table!!

What a difference those window treatments make, very stylish and sophisticated! I can see why you have love hearts popping out your head!!!!
Nice seeing this all come together, you have…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Yeah but he had probably been there since 7am and he is on his own, bricklaying is hard work. He would be doing his own mud up, brick carting, brick…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Excess bricks

Most builders dump them when the site is cleaned up, have seen it time and time again, perfectly good bricks being scooped up by the bobcat driver and dumped in…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
J & M's HGWA build

Another thing, if you have 'evidence' of someone building the same house as you that has the same change as you, but at a cheaper price, bring it to HGWAs…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth

White set makes it all very real. The rooms look the right size, the light starts bouncing around and you can start to see it look like a home. Wont…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Oh your bricks are looking mighty fine. I love your night pics, very cool.
It's baby steps when building, so every achievement is worthy of a happy dance ... heck…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
J & M's HGWA build

Oh Pinkjam we were in your shoes re costings ... all I can say is question everything you think is overpriced. And you just have to shrug off the inconsistencies…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Commodore Homes, Alkimos Beach - Moved in - New pics!

Just spent some time catching up .... doing it very slowly, so many build threads I have missed in the last few months. House is looking amazing, love your…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
custom home group WA home - more pics!!

Lol auds .... made me giggle. Have fun on your first nite in!

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

Oh my goodness, that has got to come close to bargain of the year! What a pick up, well done.

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!

Thanks Mal, I love watching our daughter play netball, she's actually pretty good at it (her normal Sat team recently had their first loss in two years!). She umpires around…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!

Front garden is done. So glad we fought to keep our landscaping package, well worth the sleepless nights. I think from memory it was 160m2 of grass alone!
While we were…

Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!
10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Trixee's Passive Solar Build Perth

Okay done some catching up, a few pages or ten ... still more to do. House is looking great, cant believe they have got so much done. And those fans,…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!

Yeah we have been looking at Replants, Duke, literally around the corner from where we live is Grass Trees Australia and they want double the price, $540 for a 50cm.…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!

:shock: well that could be a game changer. Nooooooooooo!

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Marcia's Home Group Build: Front Garden is Done!

Thanks Melsie, yeah for us it is only the one floor tile, which says it was never done properly in the first place. If it was slab movement etc, there…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Melsie 68

O.M.G..... congratulations Melsie. You are an awesome mumma and this baby is going to be in safe, loving hands. Very exciting and so happy for you, Mr Melsie and the…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Good on the builder, nice that they have helped you out. They only throw them away at the site clean. We moved ours ourselves (well I moved all 275 of…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
J & M's HGWA build

I went through pre start over a year ago Pinkjam, but we got most of ours on the day with a few stragglers over the following week or so. I…

10 years10 yearsJaney01Janey01 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Yay Sharry, gotta love bricks. Hoping I remember to keep coming back in here and watch your build take place :)

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