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Joined 8 July 2017
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9 months9 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Removing rust from steel i beams

thanks, yes they are dry , thats a good idea with fish oil as sanding will be hard

9 months9 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Removing rust from steel i beams

yes but l am still undecided how l should treat the steel beams after l sand off the light surface rust, the beams are not galvanized, should l paint them…

9 months9 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Removing rust from steel i beams

Hi l have some steel i beams under my house with some light surface rust, the beams are not galvanized . My plan is to sand off the rust and…

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Cost converting spare bedroom into a bathroom

l know it would depend on many things , but roughly what sort of cost is it to convert a spare bedroom into a bathroom

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Colorbond roof can you extend its life?

But wouldnt the rain be as good as a wash or does it need to be pressure sprayed or washed with a certain thing, what sort of cost would it…

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Colorbond roof can you extend its life?

l live 4 km from the coast l have a colorbond roof 13 years old , some of the screws have just started to rust and l am getting them…

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Rust roof screws

l spoke to my plumber we decided to replace the rusted screws and keep all the screws with no rust, it will only cost a few hundred

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Rust roof screws

l spoke to my plumber we decided to replace the rusted screws and keep all the screws with no rust, it will only cost a few hundred

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Rust roof screws

thanks ,l have a photo below, only about 20% of the screws have any signs of rust the other 80% have no rust, l think my plan
is to have…

Rust roof screws
10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Rust roof screws

l spoke to my plumber he said theres two options they can paint the screws with cold gal paint which is only a few hundred dollars but will only last…

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Rust roof screws

Hi l have a color bond roof 12 years old and l live 4 km from the coast, l noticed about 20% of the roof screws have some rust on…

10 months10 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Best rust killer/converter for galvanized steel post

That just protects from further rust, l want first to apply a rust converter or rust killer to kill the rust thats there, whats the best one for galvanized steel

11 months11 monthsjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
Best rust killer/converter for galvanized steel post

Hi the galvanized Steel posts under my house have a bit of surface rust, l had a building inspector look at it and he said its nothing serious and wouldnt…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

THanks , l got a licensed building inspector to look at the rust on the ibeams, he said its just surface rust and it would take many years to become…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
How should l remove rust from steel i beams

if l cannot get a sandblaster would a sander with sandpaper be better then a wire brush. My plan is to sand the metal beams and then apply White knight…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
What tree is this?

They look very close to your house, maybe check the roots are not going to cause problems with the house foundations or plumbing

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
How should l remove rust from steel i beams

would a sander be ok or is wire brush better, probably a stupid question but could l damage the steel beams with the wire brush if brush off too much…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
How should l remove rust from steel i beams

Hi l have some surface rust on the steel i beams under my house, a builder looked at it and said its not serious , just surface rust, but l…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
POLYMARBLE shower base

im getting a new shower, l am thinking of getting a POLYMARBLE shower base, my last shower arcylic shower base got a crack, would a Polymarlbe base be less likely…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

l see your point . Doing it myself would be alot of hard work as its just crawl space under the house and paying someone to do it l was…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

why, what do you mean?

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

The building inspector who has 30 years experience as a building inspector and good reviews said his sure its just a bit of harmless surface rust and nothing needs…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

Hi just to update , got a building inspector to have a look today , he has 30 years experience and he said the I - BEAMS are not Glavanized…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

l looked through the papers l was given when the house was built all l could find was
AS4100 1998 Steel Structures
AS1170 2002 Structural design actions loading code

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

Hi could someone please look at the two photos l posted above and tell me if they think its just harmless surface rust or could be more serious. Do you…

1 year1 yearjimbo73jimbo73 posted:
rust on house I Beams

how serious is the rust, zoom in to enlarge the photo , thanks

rust on house I Beams
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