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5 months5 monthsJSmith91 posted:
Garage slab cracks
Garage slab cracks
thanks again! from the photos and property being 3 years old, whats the usual progression of the cracks I have in the photo? There are no trees anywhere close to…
5 months5 monthsJSmith91 posted:
Garage slab cracks
Garage slab cracks
thanks for the feedback, how can you tell the difference between ground movement and shrinkage/expansion cracks? I inspected the rest of the property, no cracks in walls etc, the rest…
5 months5 monthsJSmith91 posted:
Garage slab cracks
Garage slab cracks
Hi All
I inspected a house which is 3 years old and found it had quite a lot of cracks in the garage slab already. Some of the cracks seem like…
5 months5 monthsJSmith91 posted:
House movement, bricks moving/cracking
House movement, bricks moving/cracking
Hi All
A house I am looking to buy is about 30 years old and just want an opinion on the movement cracks on one corner of the house, is this…
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8 August 2024