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Joined 10 May 2014
Silver Member
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Simonds Prague with Modifications in Melbourne's North

Hi and welcome.. I build Simonds Prague n u are welcome to check out my thread

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Yep we are in Alara my kids love the new park!

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

I'm in the estate next to urs hehe.. went for a walk and noticed your build from the forum I built with Simonds three years ago!! Btw ur place…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

I like the white, I think u should leave it that way. We thought about having that black aswell but the the lady at colours talk us out of it…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Yeh this Prague display was so done up and I could tell u everything was upgraded. The base price was 189k so can u imagine how much the upgrades would…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

They only just build the display a year after we build ours!!!

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Wow looking fab Tracey. My partner and I went to see the Prague display house 20mins from our place and I can tell u it looks so grand and beautiful…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Looking fantastic! Can't wait for more pics

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

We did our driveway a few days before settlement/handover and we didn't sign any disclaimer?

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Simonds Prague in MELB- All Moved In ;)

Marshall, that's what we thought as well.. we thought we wouldn't have enuf room for our stuff. It it turns we have a lot of empty spaces lolz. Someone once…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Simonds Prague in MELB- All Moved In ;)

Hey guys... so I'm still stuck with what to do with my extra family room can anyone give me suggestions? We originally had our dining table there moved it…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Nice looking good Tracey ! Btw did u get high ceilings?

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

Ohhhh loving the masterton facade

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Simonds Prague in MELB- All Moved In ;)

Thanks Marshall we have good taste! My husband said he had to have this facade and it was final. So I'm glad I agreed with him. House looks grand…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Yeh qld isn't that cold as Melbourne is I guess, that's why ducted heating are not standard whereas in Melbourne they r standard. We have four seasons in one day!…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

I noticed that you don't have ducted heating, is that normal in Qld?

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Very nice indeed

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Simonds Prague in MELB- All Moved In ;)

Hi all
So it's been well over 2years since I've updated n boy oh boy it's been busy.. our 2nd son arrived last year April 2016. busy !!

  ⋅  3
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Wow looking good Tracey.. now bring on roofs. Roofs are very exciting

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

It looks great horse. Love the little nook in your master bed. And good thinking putting the laundry sliding door on the other end. Your kitchen colours look so good…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Looking good horse can't wait to see the finished house

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Congrats Tracey.. been a long wait

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Fridge in walk in pantry

We also have our fridge in our WIP and we love it. So much space saved. We have no problems going to the fridge and back into kitchen. Only takes…

Fridge in walk in pantry
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Wow looking good horse looking at your walls reminds me of my walls. Such a beautiful colour
And we have the same house lolz we'll sort of lolz

Building Simonds Prague in QLD
  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Our walls are Oak buff aswell.. great choice

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

And I love love love your colour choice for kitchen

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Thanx horse. I'm thinking of changing out the pendants lights. I'm really loving the grey cement ones from Kmart we will also be changing out our black splash to…

8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

This our kitchen as of a few weeks ago. And the extra family area on the left is still empty 2years later and I still can't fill it

Building Simonds Prague in QLD
  ⋅  3
8 years8 yearsjustheartjustheart posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

Hey horse,
I haven't been on here for a long time cos I lost my password!!
I truly know how you feel about the small kitchen as ours is exactly the…

Joined homeone
10 May 2014

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