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Joined 4 April 2016
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7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Yours looks great! Definitely wouldn't know it's not level. I more meant that I spent about 6 hours making sure every tree was the exact same distance apart

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Thanks Dawn! It is our second build so this time was pretty ocd about everything being level and having good edging.
Yours looks fantastic too. Once you are completely finished…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Grass is down and most of the path is done. Just a retaining wall and garden bed and some more crushed rock and we're done!!!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Looking great Dawn! Ypu must be so thrilled to almost be done

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

We have grass coming tomorrow too! Good luck with the landscaping. Can't wait to see your pics

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7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Oh awesone thanks! Will have to look into it when we finally get a side gate haha

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Where did you get this from? We have a small dog and a glass laundry door too

7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

The grass will look much better once the sand is all gone. We are laying ours Friday and were told to lightly cover in sand. Where did you end up…

7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Yeah the soil yesterday was a killer. We hired a digger but couldn't fit it round the corner at the front
This is the amount we moved in one day…

7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Thanks Dawn. It's so hard with the sloping block cos so much prep has to go into doing anything... we have to get 60m of turf in by next week…

7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Thanks emmz! I absolutely love your front yard. It looks fantastic.
I've been a little quiet lately working like a crazy person but thanks to 2 days of good weather in…

Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne
  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Try wall art prints as well. They have 40% off at the moment. I got a print for our spare room from there. Not the colour you're after but they…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Thank Dawn! Can't wait to see yours all complete

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Thanks! I forgot how long all this stuff takes! Much better shot during the day

Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne
  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne

Finally getting somewhere on the landscaping... been a long road trying to get everything retained first but we're on our way! Front yard done and I've given myself 8 weeks…

Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne
  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

I hear you on the costs... It's like a never ending money pit!
We had to retain bloody every part of our block too, plus driveway, blinds, lights, furniture... the…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
Metricon - Duxton 39

Argh beautiful!!!! I wanted railway sleepers but could not for the life of me find somewhere that sold them in shorter lengths!!!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Fantastic effort! You are absolutely smashing out all the landscaping

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8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Omg amazing amazing! I'm so jealous! Done with all this mud

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

I've avoided updating my thread because we've had quite a lot of issues and things happening and I have been pretty annoyed and upset but we're hopefully past all the…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

You're doing so well Dawn! We only just got our front yard levelled today after 3 months here haha!

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

All looks fantastic Dawn! You must be so happy to be in and unpacking! Hope the fur babies settle in quickly and love all their new space!
Our modem only connects…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Woooooooo almost handover day! Wishing you all the best for tomorrow! Cannot wait to see you all settled in and enjoying your beautiful new home!!!

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

That's great news. We only just got our back fence 9 weeks later

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Omg a handover date! I know it's not the date you wanted but after all this YOU HAVE A DATE!!!! I'm so excited and happy for you! Cannot wait to…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Oh for turf we used anco in cranbourne west. Their delivery fee was $70 and we can see it from our house so I'm guessing it would be more to…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Any news today?

8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Omg I just started getting notifications again and had to catch up on 5 pages hahaha.
So so close now! With the extra money have they taken off your expenses for…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Hopefully!!!! Good luck

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8 years8 yearsKat_1025Kat_1025 posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

We used security blinds and doors for our front door and they were reasonably priced.
If the notice you received is just for that neighbours share call the company and request…

  ⋅  1

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