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Joined 12 December 2009
Junior Member
14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hey guagua,
It is an important decision and you should speak and get advise from ur lender/broker about that. I think josie mentioned in the forum that she is a lending…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi Evonne,
Are these connection fees from the bill you received from south east water, additional to what is charged by your builder to provide connection for the recycled water system…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

leemajor-i think u might be right. Our block was settled in Dec last year and we currently own it (well, the bank does :))), so that's…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi guagua77,
Jeuno is right about the rates. It's different based on the value of the property. At the moment, as the house isnt built yet, the rates are calculated based…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Great job Jeuno for organizing the gathering-cant wait to meet all the neighbors. It will be a great event, no doubt :)
Oh also was gonna mention…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Congrats josie! Bet u've never been so excited seeing a portaloo hey? :)
Hope everything goes well for you :)
BBQ is good..happy to…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi our castle,
I am currently living in an estate in Keysborough that has body corporate and cant really comprehend the amount of money paid towards it, except for the lawns…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

i agree with ya faerie. also in my opinion, i think eaves makes the house looks nicer :)

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi building1,
This is what Somerfield has on facebook:
Somerfield - A new community at the heart of everything
Porter Davis Prestige and Places are each opening 2 new displays this weekend. Open…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

totally agree with REfL3ct!
it was much cheaper a year ago and we get to negotiate about the price too. now, you not only have to queue up days prior to…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi faerie,
Thanks for the info. I also realized from other Somerfield residents that in regards to DAP, you can actually get away with heaps of other stuff too, if you…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

I dont think you could use colorbond fencing as the design guidelines in the land contract states side and rear fences must be constructed using timber palings (R2…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Josie-One of the Carlisle display homes have that too (concrete with pavers) so fingers crossed for you :)
Faerie-Congrats on the start date ::

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi Josie,
We have submitted a plan with aggregate concrete with blocks of gravels.

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi Josie,
My builder has requested for all of those plans for DAP to be approved ages ago before we could go any further, eg. applying for permits & stuff. It…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

lol jeuno
anyway happy easter everyone :)

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hi Josie,
This also happens to our crossover and footpath..after settlement.
We havent started building yet (due to delay from builder & DAP approval) so our land and crossover is…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hiya neighbours,
Drove by the estate yesterday to find that we have now got trees planted along Clarendon Dr-niceee :)

Also saw a few more blocks with temporary…

Somerfield Estate Keysborough
14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

hi lux,
thanks for the reply. we thought it was abit ridiculous as well as fencing is something u need to discuss with ur neighbours and how are we supposed to…

14 years14 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

After waiting since before xmas, our builder finally got back to us about DAP's approval (not). Apparently now they want info about fencing and gates before they will approve of…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

thanks for the info. we will check it out during the weekend.
lux-congrats on the good news :)

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

hey faerie,
do u have any links or more info about the product? we love the exposed aggregate concrete but as it is not permeable we have to think of other…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

thanks for the info-Jason_HT.
we will try and contact the person directly tomorrow then. thanks again :)

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

how did u make the payment, lux?
we went to the council office yesterday as told and guess what? the person (apparently only ONE person) in charged wasnt working yesterday and…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Yup we got the letter yesterday as well. Spoke to our builder and was told to go pay and get copy of the receipt etc so there wont be delay…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

i wonder whether ur builder has included that charge in ur permits fees and paid for the levy already?

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

We are not up to that stage yet but from the looks of it, it will be applicable to all of us fellow Somerfielders.
Just did some research on the city…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

So sorry to hear about the delay everyone :( We are in stage 1C and familiar with the delay so the feeling is mutual.
I am not…

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Hey faerie-i thought it was in the land contract that the Design Assessment Panel will within 14 days provide a response, whether to approve or reject or request further information.

15 years15 yearskatmeowkatmeow posted:
Somerfield Estate Keysborough

Yup. The builder gives u a certain amount of days of when ur home contract will need to become unconditional from ur first initial deposit with them. Else, u will…

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Somerfield Estate Keysborough
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