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Joined 30 July 2010
Gold Member
12 years12 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Tell me about your bamboo decking! Please...?

Hi Guys
Anyone built a deck / verandah with bamboo decking? Looking at using it for ours as the local Demak have now had it in stock for 12 months…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Att BeatrixKiddo - lawn health during winter

BK is right - if you live anywhere around Melbourne, stopping it from growing is usually the problem!
Besides, GoGo Juice (http://www.neutrog.com.au/liquid-pro-biotic) is easier to find (Bunnings have stocked it for…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Tree Replacement

Unless you're going to espalier a fruit tree, Fu's right about not planting them on fencelines. There's aesthetic and practical considerations to consider really.
On slightly more helpful note though,…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Att BeatrixKiddo - lawn health during winter

It might not be frost so much as water in the soil. If you have a clay subsoil and there's a low part in your lawn, then with all…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Oxalis in compost???

We have 4 different kinds!!!
We've the giant oxalis, which was of course really easy to get rid off. Native oxalis, with the pale pink single flowers on…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Oxalis in compost???

BK is right and most of the problem types of oxalis spp. (not the native ones) don't set seed in the majority of Australia.
The only way to really get rid…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Perlite & Vermiculite in Melbourne Area

Hi Raj - I'm not confused by the volume and the weight... in this instance anyway!!
The 100l bag I currently have weighs 6kg.…

13 years13 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Perlite & Vermiculite in Melbourne Area

If anyone is looking for either of these in the Melbourne area for cheap, cheap, cheap, then Exfoliators (http://www.exfoliators.com.au) in Dandenong sell direct to the public.
You would need to call…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Transferred all the water we'd collected from rain falling into various kids' buckets, see-saws, trailers and wheelbarrows that were dotted around the garden, into a big bucket ready to use.…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

The fluffy seeds are quite cute. No sock issues though!! Sand definitely helped when sprinkling them :)
My heirlooms are all from diggers too. …

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Seeded some heirloom tomatoes, chilli peppers and several different herbs. Plus more sunflowers for my girls, in pots this time to give them a better chance against the snails…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Awful smell from neighbours dogs

Estates can be private property and can require home owners to have no dogs, same as an apartment block can. This is completely separate to the council though, so…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Disgusting poos!

It looks like dog scat to me.... I'd say one that's fed a diet involving lots of cereal and/ veg. No, I don't mean weetabix and salad Fu,…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
4.5 acres of no garden - what to do!!!!

Exactly what I've been planning on doing with our nature strip, before the weather heats up too much! So many random things self-seeding there, it's fantastic, but can always…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

I cannot believe nobody has done anything in their gardens since 14th August..... are you just all off enjoying them now?
What happened with Redman's thief? Did he catch…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Our Landscaping journey! Bamboo is reaching for the sky.

Looking good Boiselfish - can't wait to see how that bamboo grows!!

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Silly Fu...I don't think my neighbour would like to see his car mulched... Amazing, it had barely any damage. Just a bit of a dent and a little…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

No Fu.... I just thought I'd let the council dump a massive pile of mulch in my drive for safe keeping...
Seriously Fu, I can't believe you asked ME…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

I could swear I posted this yesterday...
I haven't been around much lately, just been too busy with other things and the weather being what it is (wet, wild and windy…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
What is a 'sustaining billabong'?

Lol! :D

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
NOT FOR ARACHNOPHOBIC: what spider is this?

Sorry Starz - I've not been around much lately!
It looks like a type of spined or jewel spider, which are orb weaving spiders, but a different species to the one…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Melbourne RBG - the Children's Garden & Bamboo Forest

Went to the Children's Garden in the Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens last week and if anyone lives in the vicinity with small children, or like us a train ride away,…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Little old country house renovation

Is it a 'guess what we're doing' or caption game? Hmmm...
'Wow, look! You can see right up that Scotsman's kilt!'
Should mulch that garden waste for your garden btw…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Little old country house renovation

More pics please Buildcraig! Dying to see how it's coming along :)

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Perhaps overkill Redman, but well deserved IF it is a human :lol:
If it's happening very regularly, it's more likely to be an animal. No human…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
What is a 'sustaining billabong'?

Wishing I'd already done the the work... wet spring, wet summer, dry(ish) autumn, wet winter.... front garden where seasonal pond will eventually be has an almost permanent bog at…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
So what have you done in your garden today?

Do you really think it's a person and not a bandicoot or something? Do you even get bandicoots here?
I was really annoyed when someone 'stole' a piece of my…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Design my Landscape

Have you not got enough work on at the moment or something? :P

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
What is a 'sustaining billabong'?

Absolutely gorgeous pics! Can't wait to get ours on the go.
It won't be in such an open area though. The plan is a small pond at the top,…

14 years14 yearsKerryFKerryF posted:
Design my Landscape

I like your poster, but Back to the Future was actually 1985... :P



My husband and I have a 3-bed house in Belgrave, which we bought shortly before discovering we were expecting our second child!
The house will be a little on the small…


Busy gardener, mummy, student and volunteer


Edible gardening, indigenous plants, propagation, revegetation, wildlife gardening

Joined homeone
30 July 2010

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