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Joined 21 January 2011
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14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
power boxes

Just wondering what others have done. As we are looking to build a new house soon, and with our current house there isn't much room to add extra to it…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
tiling on suspended floors

ok so i am after everyones opinons on tiling on a suspended floor. It would be a metal frame with either a wooden floor or a fiber cement floor that…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Cost of Aluminium Powder Coated Pergola

i believe it is like this pic where 1 edge of the patio roof is mounted to uprights that come up through the existing house roof.

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
garden shed security

when we had our garden shed we had 2 german shepards they had to get past. All padlocks do is keep the honest people out. If someone wants in bad…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
So many lookers but no offers yet on our home UPDATE SOLD!

well atleast you have had people come to your open house we have had 3 now and not a single person. WTF we say to our selves.

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Where to buy mesh to put on rangehood duct?

if you go to either the heating section or around the roof vent sections they had vent grills. i think everything was cheaper from the heating section. and then i…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
What other topics would you like?

maybe something along the lines of tips and tricks people have used to get a job done and different tools people have used to get a job done

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Building in bushfire prone area

here is some more info that i found. it is from the bsa in qld but may help you some what. god i hope our bal isn't to high when…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Anyone with Acreage - Come Say Hi

our covenant says we have to hae the water tank installed prior to building, but i think this may be to do with fire fighting incase a fire is started…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
house position on block

ok here are the plans we have so far. Only changes we have to these plans so far is that the kitchen will move next to bed 4. so from…

house position on block
14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
What other topics would you like?

swimming pools

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
house position on block

ok we are on 2.5 acres so yes we have some restrictions but have a bit more room to position the house

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
house position on block

as above when positioning your house on your block do you position it in relation to the sun or to any views your block has and if so how would…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Mortgage insurance under 25s

never herd of that before. surely that you can show the bank that you have saved a 20% deposit it shouldn't matter your age.

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
floorboard major intersection photo - opinions appreciated!

what about some gap sealer

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
How to fix small scratches in White Cooktop?

maybe you could get onto one of the companies that respary bath tubs. They may be able to help you. Or you could pull the cook top out and take…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Broken vacuum cleaner hose

cut it out and put the new hose in and duct tape it on there.

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Where to buy mesh to put on rangehood duct?

have you tried bunnings

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
hebel wall and flooring panels

another question reguarding the hebel flooring. Does anyone know if this can be polished so you can have a polished concrete look or not. Would there be a problem where…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Polished Concrete when there isn't a slab?

we are looking at building a suspended floor but we wanted a polished concrete floor to. I have also been looking at the hebel flooring. And so i am wondering…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
hebel wall and flooring panels

interested in what others think of these products and those who have used it.
what are the pros and cons
good and bad experiences
any pics would be good

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Spying neighbour - Screening Trees

clumping bamboo

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Biolytix Installation Brisbane

hence why i asked the questions

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
looking at owner building

latest update to the plans is that kitchen will be going next to bedroom 4 and there will be one big living dining and rumpus area. i am wantong to…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
extend house on corner block

Might help or it may not. We have a corner block and put a pergola onto our house. Basically we had it so the gutter was about 50mm in from…

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
Biolytix Installation Brisbane

just wondering if you got your biolytics system or not

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
looking at owner building

Ok so we have moved away from our original kit home as we have decide that we want it all on one level. Here is what we have come up…

looking at owner building
14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
sliding doors, windows and louver sizes

thanks kb46 what a coinsidence that you are in mackay where we will be building. with you louvers what is the exact size of the glass panels 900 x ?

14 years14 yearsledgend80ledgend80 posted:
sliding doors, windows and louver sizes

Ok so we are looking at building and was wondering if there are any standard sizes that sliding doors, stacker doors, windows and louvers come in to try and keep…

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21 January 2011

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